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LINK A dinosaur denier interviewed a dinosaur liar. Now my head hurts.

Ken Ham affirmed the worst tendencies of Allie Beth Stuckey

In August of 2022, Allie Beth Stuckey, a conservative Christian conspiracy theorist with a large following on social media, released an episode of her show titled “I Don't Know if Dinosaurs Were Real” in which she posited that dinosaurs never existed.

This is a theory, okay? I'm just gonna say this: Dinosaurs never existed…

You've got these bones you've got these fossils, supposably [sic], and they supposedly date back millions of years. And then, I think it's a bunch of nerds constructing this fantasy world that they think is awesome. Like, how do you know what the, like, skin of a pterodactyl looked like? How do you know what it sounded like? Like, how do you know those things, really? And, like, the different color patterns and all of that? How are you picking that up from bones?…

If I were to pick, like, a theory, I'm, like, ugh, I could see dinosaurs not being real.

Dinosaurs are real. We know they’re real. We have good ideas about what they looked like because their fossils sometimes include soft tissues that tell us, for example, if they were covered in feathers. We know how muscular they were and where their eyes may have pointed. Sure, some of our recreations involve filling in the blanks as best we can, but educated guesses aren’t the same as stabs in the dark. Yet even when scientists suggest we need to update our understanding of dinosaurs, Stuckey treats it as a giant game:

She has all the intelligence and confidence of a person who peaked in elementary school.

Stuckey could’ve made sense of all this through basic Google searches or by asking a paleontologist. But her career is built on passing off ignorance as insight. She’d rather ask stupid questions than discuss smart answers.

You would think someone like Creationist Ken Ham—who believes in plenty of his own conspiracy theories—would want to correct the record on this. Sure, he thinks dinosaurs are only thousands of years old, which isn’t even close to accurate, but at he believes they existed. He has a skeleton of an allosaurus in the Creation Museum (which was donated by a pro-secessionist Neo-Confederate Republican, but that’s another story). There’s a stationary dinosaur visitors can ride! He has dinosaurs living with humans aboard Noah’s Ark over at Ark Encounter. This guy has a vested interested in convincing people dinosaurs are real!

So what happened when Stuckey interviewed Ham for two episodes that were recently released?

Ham never called her out for spreading (another level of) misinformation.

Instead, Stuckey insisted she only “jokingly talked about” not knowing what dinosaurs looked like in the past. (She was not joking. There is no wink to be found anywhere in her earlier comments.) She didn’t directly bring up denying their existence. But when she asked Ham how he knew that they existed and what they looked like, he responded by… feeding her conspiracy complex.

(Follow article link to view photos/video that accompany article.)

Well, first of all, you need to be skeptical about what they actually looked like, simply because, when they find dinosaur bones, they really only find a few. There's not that many…

First of all, do I believe in dinosaurs? And the answer is yes, but let me explain… 

Ham actually mentions the fossils and tissues and how we can get a strong understanding of what dinosaurs looked like… but implies scientists go overboard and that believing what they say needs to be justified. Stuckey nodded along with his responses, but she never admitted her earlier conspiracy theories were wrong.

This is what happens when two conspiracy theorists both have a broken brain argument about a subject neither one knows much about. They end up affirming each other’s worst tendencies. Which is to be expected, I suppose. After all, the people who believe every animal pair in the universe boarded a single boat a few thousand years ago to save their species aren’t about to embrace scientific realities.

Ham probably wanted to stay on her good side, too. Stuckey appeared at an Answers in Genesis conference in 2023 and may appear at more in the future.

Paleontologist Dan Phelps, who’s spent years documenting Ham’s shenanigans, explained in an email [lightly edited below] why this two-part interview was so troubling:

Sadly, over 50,000 people have viewed the first part and 33,000 the second part of this insipid nonsense. No one would care, but [Answers in Genesis] and other Christian Nationalist organizations would be overjoyed to destroy public education and replace it with homeschooling and sectarian schools. Moreover, Kentucky Tourism is subsidizing the Ark Encounter by providing it a $1.825 million sales tax rebate incentive every year. 

With that many viewers watching this interview and that much money helping spread Creationist lies, these are hardly fringe beliefs. When “just asking questions” lands you to the same place at Flat Earthers, you’ve made a huge mistake. And the people Ham and Stuckey surround themselves with don’t have the courage to tell them how wrong they are.

snytiger6 9 Sep 7

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Dinosaur Fossils tell the history of the earth millions of years ago, they just recently I heard on the news discovered nice sets of dinosaur footprints in Texas that were revealed because of the drought on a river I think it was,.The fictional flood story with dinosaurs on the ark is bologna, It's also genocide because of all of the people that drowned, a loving god would not create monsters to roam the earth, I have heard this from Christian people before, they say" god created the dinosaurs, and the devil put dinosaur bones in the ground to deceive man", that's all a bunch of bologna,I'm sticking with intelligence and not religious ignorance, thanks to our scientists and paleontologists for their great work I'm fixing me a bologna sandwich now..


Allie Beth Stuckey is an idiot. Ken Ham is also an idiot. They are two idiots, mutually reinforcing each other's idiocy. 😂

I am not so sure that K. Ham is just a idiot. He has been in so many debates with people, has been refuted so often, he has to have a deep understanding of prehistory, perhaps more than most, but then goes back to uttering the same rubbish the following day. I suspect that he is probably just a very accomplished liar and performer, who sees the gullible as easy profits, but does not believe a word of what he spouts.

@Fernapple You have a point there. So he's either an idiot or a pathological liar, maybe even a sociopath. Either way, not good.


Reminds me of the 6 (8?) blind men in a pitch-black room with an elephant to be described, at best.


Lying for Jesus. It's a Liar's Club with a competition to see who can come up with the most ridiculous asinine whopper. And then they all bob their heads in agreement. You see the same thing in other religions and even cults like UFO BS, although they get help from the Air Force/CIA disinformation campaign.

I think Lying For Jesus is a group with a lot of members.


Bible literalists have a right to their beliefs. They just don't think anybody else has a right to their knowledge of facts.

Hey Barjoe! new pic, you lost weight! Lookin' Good!

@AnneWimsey Maybe I can get down to 215 lbs lol

@barjoe Try the Trump Diet. It is a combination of portion control, excersize and bullshit.

@Alienbeing Just say I'm the weight I want to be.

@Alienbeing The Trump diet is looking at the scale and claiming you weigh more than 100 pounds less than the scale indicates...

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