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LINK Indy police arrest ‘terrorist’ for purposely driving her car into home used by hate group 

I don't know why they put terrorist in quotes. She drive her car into a building because she perceived it to be owned by an ethnic group she hates. To intentionally use an automobile as a projectile because you think they're Jews. They were Black Hebrew Israelites, who are an antisemitic Christian cult, but it shouldn't matter.

barjoe 9 Nov 5

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People like this are entirely stupid. I recall that a militant wanted to kill terrorists and then killed an Indian Sikh. Moving up to present time, people in an airport wanting to hunt and identify Jews by their passport so the Jews can be raped and killed.


Nothing like a twofer is there?....


The idiot didn't even know who she was attacking. So her hate is compounded by stupidity. It is ironic that a hate group is the victim of a hate crime, and that it is a case of mistaken identity, and could be classified as friendly fire. It's almost comedic, but the reality and immediacy of wider context kind of takes all the fun out of it. And it was a school for Christ's sake (not really!). Thank goodness no children were hurt.


Stupid and insane, filled with hate and murderous impulses, yeah, I want to bestow sainthood on her.......
And WTF is up with those quote marks????? M


Dangerous emotional defectives can be found everywhere on this Earth, and they all use any excuse to keep perpetrating their evil.

Could be a contributing reason many people in this country (USA) keep firearms.

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