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FYI John Avlon, a political centrist, is married to conservative commentator Margaret Hoover, the host of Firing Line on PBS. Firing Line was originally hosted by William F. Buckley, the conservative commentator and founder of the arch conservative journal National Review. Christian nationalists call themselves "conservatives," but they are in fact radicals who would destroy this nation. Hell, I'm a progressive liberal, but next to Christian nationalists, I look like a conservative.


Christian Nationalists are a political dictatorship.

Betty Level 8 Jan 30, 2024

Would-be dictators. Let's not cede them any ground they have not yet won.

@Flyingsaucesir Trump let them in and they will fight to stay. They have influenced/made changes that will/are detrimental to the education system.
It will be a huge fight to get them out if not impossible.

@Betty I'm not saying it will be easy, but this country has been through worse and come out better.


Where did the buybull ever say that your church is supposed to direct the government? Also, that shirt is a MAGA shirt that made it to a local car around my area and after Biden was elected it took forever for them to get it removed from the car. Elections do not have "do overs." People are really dumb.


"The Church is supposed to direct the Government": the words of an outrageous liar and bully!

They are dictators and want to rule the United States and then all the Western countries...

In a recent straw poll in her new congressional district, where she faces re-election, LB came in 5th. Hopefully we will soon be rid of her. 😉

@Flyingsaucesir Might that be a case of the trash taking itself out?


seems Christianity is always what you want it to be

They make it up as they go. They want total control.

@Betty look in the mirror

@Communistbitch She's right. Christian nationalists do make it up as they go along. How else could they justify toting AR-15s, or vilifying immigrants and LGBTQ people, or banning abortions, or trampling the US Constitution? Jesus did not stand for any of those things. Quite the opposite.

@Flyingsaucesir and you make shit up too

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