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6 10

We have made great progress since we thought we finished off the Nazis in the Big One. The % shows we will not go back. If one is not outbreeding, one is inbreeding. Mix up that DNA for a heathy vibrant result.[]

Mooolah 8 Feb 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Finally! The next goal should be...a non issue...taken for granted...normal.

Betty Level 8 Feb 11, 2024

Since my son is in a mixed race marriage(asian) and my granddaughter is mixed race, I'm glad to see the gaining acceptance.


Maybe I had best not answer on this one coz I am a contributer to the Gallup Poll.


One of the reasons the hard core right is going out of their minds, America is steadily getting more liberal and open minded. If your whole identity revolves your race and sexuality, it's scary and threatening.


Just goes to show that even rednecks can change if given enough time. But there is still plenty around who don’t.


Not that anyone has a working definition of race anyway.

Not that that matters.

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