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LINK Muhammad Had SEX SLAVES In The Quran - Atheist Sam Harris & Christian Apologist Jordan Peterson - YouTube

Muhammad Had SEX SLAVES In The Quran - Atheist Sam Harris & Christian Apologist Jordan Peterson

HippieChick58 9 May 12

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I can't think of a single paternalistic religion that didn't have sex slaves in some for or another. Paternalistic cultures all trend that way. The only three cultures I can recall that did NOT have that custom was Egyptian, Spartans and Ukraine...

Edit Oops I forgot about the Sumerians their culture also treated women as warriors and people instead of property...

I'm fairly sure that Ancient Egypt had sex slaves. Modern Egypt, I have no idea.

@Betty Not until after the Romans took over.... Before that they didn't use slavery just bond servants who had offered their services in return for their debts being paid. Even so they had rights and could not be beaten and money they and their family members earned doing jobs other than their duties was theirs to keep. Women could also divorce husbands who mistreated them or were just plain worthless as well as run a business and handle their own money. Egypt was actually thousands of years ahead of the rest of the world in the area of women's rights...


King Solomon has maybe 300 wives and many more "concubines".
Just what exactly do ya'll suppose a concubine was?

It's really a race to the bottom between the religions. Eg Who were the biggest bastards?
And by current events, humanity still hasn't learnt.


My first sex slave was attached to my body. This became a big thing by age 13.

That was handy


And Mary Magdalene was a girl scout?


The closest I have come to reading the Koran was reading Salman Rushdie's Satanic Verses. There, mention was made of prostitutes.

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