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What are you listening to?

Since music is therapy and the backdrop for our lives, what are you listening to? Post what best represents your current mood, your general mood or just something that moved or inspired you. Podcasts, too. I'll start, but will add more. Thanks in advance. Happy Monday, good people.

FoundMyNietzsche 6 May 7

Enjoy being online again!

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61 comments (26 - 50)

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I can't link on this tablet....
Puta Volcano album harmony of spheres.
Check it out.


Been listening to this (in my head) for a while now.


I Can Dream About You by Dan Hartman. A special woman has been on my mind lately.

@FoundMyNietzsche I uploaded the extended version of the song.


The Rolling Stones "On Air" ( BBC recording ) Will also be picking up the new Beach House "7" LP this weekend.


"Sexyback" by Justin Timberlake.

@FoundMyNietzsche What is ROWR?

@FoundMyNietzsche Lol.


Schiller's Voyage


@FoundMyNietzsche I was not at the time of posting but now I’m two glasses of vegan wine in the bag, I’ve always loved Brian Auger... I’m a guitarist but part of me wishes I played a Hammond B3🙂


And now this:



(Atlas Genius, Trojans) On XM/Sirius


Meet the Smithereens.

@FoundMyNietzsche Thanks. Sometimes I sit and think of her, sometimes i even weep, then I dream of her, behind a wall of sleep.


I have a playlist on my iPhone (I like to call it my mixtape) a currently this is playing:

@FoundMyNietzsche I was so excited when iPods became a “thing” so I could have mix tapes again!


Anything by City and Colour, at the moment. He had such a pure voice and great acoustic guitar.


I used to get drunk and listen to Jerry Jeff Walker. He sounded drunk in those days too.


Today I am listening to The Velvet Undergrond MCMXCIII


For Whom the Bell Tolls

My first thought would have been Metallica, not Hemingway. @squirrel which bell is tolling?

@robdowney It was Metallica, though the song comes from Hemingway.


Loving the JR JR totally new one for me ?

Listening to these at the moment


I love watching talented musicians displaying their craft, especially guitarists, playing songs that I love. Here's one I found a few hours hours ago:




I'm watching videos of previous Tony Awards broadcast performances ever since nominees for this year were announced last week and awards will be given out next month. This one from last year is one of my favorites:

@FoundMyNietzsche Ben Platt won the Tony for this show. Never heard of him before this Dear Evan Hansen, but I've looked him up. Phenomenal talent, yes.


I am listening to a lot of Arcade Fire.

This is one of their most devastatingly beautiful songs:

@FoundMyNietzsche Yes indeed! Incredibly intense. Listening to that album makes me feel like a teenager again.


A remixed instrumental of The Blast by Talib Kweli( a “conscious rapper” that had a few hits) and Hi-Tek (One of the best hip hop beat makers in the business)



This has been groovin my noodle since it was released last week


A parody of my favorite TV show.

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