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Two new studies suggest mRNA Covid vaccines can contribute to cancer formation. Note the controversy on the retraction of the paper. REBEKAH BARNETT APR 16, 2024

The preprint, titled ‘SARS-CoV-2 spike S2 subunit inhibits p53 activation of p21(WAF1), TRAIL Death Receptor DR5 and MDM2 proteins in cancer cells,’ and published on 15 April, is authored by Brown University Professors Shengliang Zhang and Wafik El-Deiry. The latter is the Director of the Cancer Centre at the University


From the paper, titled ‘Review: N1-methyl-pseudouridine ( m1Ψ ): Friend or foe of cancer?’, by biologist Alberto Rubio-Casillas and colleagues, and published in the International Journal of Biological Macromolecules on 5 April 2024,

“Evidence is provided that adding 100 % of N1-methyl-pseudouridine ( m1Ψ ) to the mRNA vaccine in a melanoma model stimulated cancer growth and metastasis, while non-modified mRNA vaccines induced opposite results, thus suggesting that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines could aid cancer development. Based on this compelling evidence, we suggest that future clinical trials for cancers or infectious diseases should not use mRNA vaccines with a 100 % m1Ψ modification, but rather ones with the lower percentage of m1Ψ modification to avoid immune suppression.

FrayedBear 9 June 5

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"studies" means little to nothing and "suggest" means even less.


New studies confirm that conspiracy theories screw up your mind.

History has proven that most if not all of the conspiracy theories turned out to be right. Professor John Ionnedis, the worlds leader in health related research analysis has publ;ically stated several times that today's studies and next too, and mostly totally useless. Heavily biased , pure sales and heavy fiction.



One does wonder. the American insurance council has noted a massive increase in death and claims since 2021.
Our food, air, soil, water, tools,furniture and technologies are all heavily polluted with chemicals, heavy minerals and plastics. So I wonder if the Jab is just a part of a series of contributors that is causing an incease in cancer, heart conditions, and death??
What ever the truth we will never know.

It gives the lawyers further avenues for claims. There are no pockets in shrouds so the dead couldn't give a brass razoo.


Oh, Jesus! What am I going to do now? I've had COVID and I also have had the vaccination. My anti-vaxxing daughter is upset that they made her get the shot now and she is flooding my family with a video connecting it all to Ebola. my daughter thinks "they" wanted to kill us all and now one strategy for that appears to have been a flesh eating virus. OK, kill us off. Who gets our money?

Welcome to the club.

The rich get richer and the rest get screwed



@Castlepaloma Pure Aryan blood by any chance?

@DenoPenno heinz 57 I think.


So can burnt toast

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