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I've been gone about a year. Who's no longer here? Oh, and I found Jesus. He works behind the register behind bullet proof glass in a Circle K in Bithlo, Florida. He insists on being called "Hay-soos."

And he's not magic. All in all, a BIG letdown. I don't see why they make such a big deal out of him.

Sgt_Spanky 8 July 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Welcome back


Welcome back. Jesus once called my name while I was working underneath my car. By the time I crawled out to see him he was gone.


Welcome back, I used to be level 9 ACTOFDOG had to start over, many of us here had that problem.


Is he Mexican or from another Spanish speaking country??? Or from any Slavian language speaking country where the j is pronounced as an I? Lol!!!


I had my gall bladder removed, a bad infection.


You just never know when and where you will find Jesus!! The lort works in mysterious ways!!!?!!😇🙏😇


Will he also answer to Chuy (pronounced choowee)? If not, he's an imposter,

Welcome back, btw 🙂


Really, I found Jesus a few years ago, he works at the walmart near my house, and he also prefers to be called Haysoos. Your Jesus must be a twin, or his magic is to work at different stores throughout the country. 🤔Come to think of it, I found another Jesus years ago who owned, and worked as a lawn maintenance guy. He also liked to be called Haysoos. Coincidence 🤔, I wonder 🤔 He had disciples who took directions from him about gardening and lawn maintenance. 🤔


I was gone for four months in the hospital and physical rehab. jebus was not found there.

I made three short jaunts in and out of the hospital myself. One for a week when I was temporarily paralyzed by sky high potassium, one for three days when my heartrate plummeted and they thought I'd need a pacemaker. (I didn't) and one for three more days when I caught pneumonia.

Man, you know I LOVE getting old! It's a party!

What was your ailment if I'm not prying?

Root Canal!

@nowhereman55 Ditto X3! I wrote a blues song about it, too, lol!

@Organist1 I can identify with a blues song about root canal. All the teeth I had work on are gone now because the pain never stopped.

@MyTVC15 Teeth are a never-ending cascade of agony, as far as I'm concerned. I still have most of mine, but bridges and crowns come at a steep cost. I've lately read about an experimental drug that can make people grow their teeth back. Like everything else, it seems to be about ten years off. Carrot on a stick.

@Organist1 Dang. It would be nice to have them grow back but with my luck my wisdom teeth would also grow back and I would need to have them yanked again.

@MyTVC15 Oh, yes...I forgot about that! No thanks. 😀

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