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I wanted to let all you great people know that I am taking a break from the site to deal with some health issues I am having.

I am scheduled for some tests on my heart that I hope will give me a clear picture of what is going on. My symptoms seem to be leading in the direction of needing some surgery on my heart, so I am going to try and focus on what's next for me.

Several of you have my email address, so if you want to check in with me in that way I would enjoy hearing from you.

I have very little energy and am finding it difficult to breathe some days so I have not been on the site as much as I used to. Depression is a constant thing these days too over my health.

Hopefully, after all the tests are completed I will be able to assess my next move, and come back with whatever news I get from the doctors. I truly adore so many of you and will miss you all while I'm trying to figure this all out. 😘

Redheadedgammy 9 July 16

Enjoy being online again!

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I wish you well and a positive, successful outcome from your tests.
Love and peace.

jlynn37 Level 8 July 17, 2024

I'm so sorry to hear you are in distress. The mental part is just as hard to deal with as the physical. Hoping you have a smooth path forward to better health and healing. Hugs.


Wishing you the best Rhonda. Looking forward to meet you again soon.

Sierra4 Level 8 July 17, 2024

I'm so sorry you're going through this, and wish you well. I have heart issues, too. I wish we could talk. Tests are not pleasant, but sometimes, as I'm sure you know, reveal treatable situations which can make quality of life so much better. Hugs to you!!!!


Aww man. Taking care of yourself is the number one priority. I'm hoping all will be well and that will see you here again soon. 💙 hugs

zeuser Level 9 July 17, 2024

I’m not sure if I have it or not Rhonda…can you private message me with it please as I’d really like to keep in touch. We will miss you here, but you have to take care of your health first and hope you know that you’ll take our very best wishes with you. 🤗❤️


Wow, that's a lot to cope with. I'm sorry you have to deal with all that and hope they can get it resolved in the least invasive way possible. I think I lost your email address when my desktop crashed so if you're up to it, I would appreciate it if you'd message me with it. Hugs either way.

Lauren Level 8 July 17, 2024

You will be very much missed here. Take care of yourself, do what you need to be healthy. We will be here when you are ready. Sending hugs...🤗🤗🤗

Betty Level 8 July 17, 2024

We will miss you, but your health comes first of course.


Hope your medical team get you on a healthy path.

Gustav Level 6 July 17, 2024

Best wishes they find something Easily fixable!!!!!


Best of luck to you. Strangely, your symptoms describe pretty much what is happening to me.


Good luck.


I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you have a fast and solid recovery.


Go well, dear heart!


I too am suffering from constant exhaustion. I do not get into depression (T G) and am sad to read that. I'm heading for an early August consultation.I damaged my heart in 2017 when I had a cardiac arrest.Since then my heartbeat has been nuts. You sound much worse state and I sincerely wish you a happy outcome.


You know my thoughts, Friend. Check your email, ok?


I'll be looking for that smile. may your nurses be the best. breathe peace. take care.


Take care.


Thanks for letting us know. We will miss you! Hope you find it's nothing serious and can resume your normal activities soon! 🤞


Sorry to hear this is happening. I hope you get the care you need. You should know you will be missed. 🥺


Best of luck, Red and hurry back.


I just saw your post today! I'm so sorry, hoping all turns out well! I'm around if you need me! You have my phone number and I'm about an hour and a half away! If you need anything please let me know, I'll try to be there as fast as I can! If you need to vent, I'm around! Again I hope it's nothing bad!


Wishing you good luck and a speedy recovery!

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