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LINK Maddow points out frightening truth about Trump's lack of concern about votes - YouTube

Trump says, vote this one time, and you will never have to vote again ...

Before that he said, you don't have to vote, we don't need your vote ...

snytiger6 9 July 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Trump is all about cheating. Cheating is his MO. Cheating is what Trump lives for. Trump intends to cheat his way to the president, AGAIN. It almost worked last time. You can be sure Putin will provide whatever Trump needs to make this new scheme work. The FBI helped the insurrection in 2021, and the DOJ has only prosecuted the lowest of the low to placate the democrats. And it worked. The democrats have scarcely said boo about all the slightly higher level insurrectionists going free, FOUR years later. Trump's FIX is in. The money's been paid and the stooges put in place. Biden should require all election officials to re-affirm their oaths under penalty of rico sedition. Or something. And SCOTUS needs to be put on notice that further partisan election malfeasance will not be tolerated. Or something....


I wish more people were pointing this out. Our AG bragged that Trump would have lost in Texas in 2020 if he hadn't blocked counties from mailing out applications for mail-in ballots to all registered voters. Fraud is rife here and the traitor has been saying all along that there's no way he can lose. So I would hope someone is making an effort to protect our votes in November. I had hoped it would be the federal government but they seem to be ignoring it.

Lauren Level 8 July 30, 2024

This scares me more than anything else right now. And I don’t know that the Democrats are taking it seriously enough.


This is frightening!


The rhetoric Trump spewed about the 2020 election being rigged against him, and now...could the republicans be rigging the November election in Trump's favour?

Betty Level 8 July 30, 2024

They are, and remember that with the Repubs, every projection they make, onto the Dems, is a confession, of what they actually do themselves, and are planning to do..

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