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LINK Trump Says This Election Will Be His Last if He Loses – Mother Jones

September 22, 2024

“I think that that will be it,” he said. “Hopefully we’re going to be successful.”

by Julianne McShane
News & Engagement Writer

    Is the end in sight?

If Trump loses to Vice President Kamala Harris in November—which is a real possibility, if recent polls are accurate—he does not plan to run again in 2028, he said in an interview that aired Sunday.

“No, I don’t,” Trump told Sharyl Attkisson, host of Full Measure, when she asked if he thinks he would run again in four years if he loses the next election. “No, I don’t. I think that that will be it. I don’t see that at all. Hopefully we’re going to be successful.”

Is he serious? Time will tell… but don’t hold out hope: While Trump appeared to (finally) recently acknowledge he lost the 2020 election—as dozens of court cases affirmed—he quickly walked that back at the debate against Harris earlier this month, telling the moderators that he was being sarcastic. “I don’t acknowledge [losing] at all,” he added.

If Trump does back out of running for president again in the future, many in the GOP will be thrilled.

As I have covered, scores of onetime high-level Republican officials have been openly defecting from the party, announcing their plans to vote for Harris over Trump—including many former Reagan, Bush, and Trump staffers. On Sunday, more joined in, signing a bipartisan open letter endorsing Harris over Trump, writing, “Vice President Harris defends America’s democratic ideals, while former President Donald Trump endangers them.” Of the more than 700 current and former national security officials who signed on, more than 180 are Republicans or independents, which includes some who changed their affiliation after Trump took the reins of the GOP, according to one of the organizers.

snytiger6 9 Sep 24

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Promises, One he has ever kept.

The only two he kept, from the 2016 campaign, was the big tax cut for the rich and corporations, and the appointment of three conservative SC justices, that's it.. And the tax cuts had plenty of Dems voting for it too.


He'll have to find an entire new scam. This has been one of his most profitable yet and people were throwing their money at him with very little effort on his part. All he had to do was tell them stories.


Because, If he loses, he will FINALLY be sentenced for his felony convictions. Also, the prosecutions for his other three criminal indictments will proceed forward.

Trump is funning mostly to stay out of prison, then to monetize his candidacy (and if he wins the presidency) to enrich himself, then after that to help out his wealthy friends.

If he loses the election and has the trial ahead of him, he is likely to use mental deficiency as a defence. It is well documented.

@Betty He already lost his first trial. They have just delayed sentencing until after the election. If he wins, then it will probably be delayed indefinitely. I am pretty sure that if he wins he will try to use the presidential pardon powers to pardon himself for all crimes to avoid sentencing and future trials. That will cause a constitutional crises, if the supreme court supports his self pardon, and ti will also be the definitive beginning of ht end of the U.S. and probably the end of democracy as well, as the Supreme Court has already laid out new presidential powers which a president may use to thwart democracy, as president are now immune from prosecution for "official acts", and if he chooses to end democracy as an official act. That may be the end of democracy in the U.S.

@snytiger6 That is a frightening thought. I so hope he doesn't win.

@snytiger6 If that constitutional crisis happens, I hope we do have civil war over it, as at that point our side will have nothing left to lose, so we might as well violently rebel. I know that I will certainly feel that way and be willing to die fighting those fascists..

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