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Should I get an Atheist sticker for my car?

I live in San Angelo, a conservitive town in Central Texas and I am surrounded by Christian bumper stickers. The rebel in me wants to express my Atheism, but I’m actually afraid of what people may do to my car or, because I work on an Air Force base, what my leadership might say.

Could I get away with something more subtle?

What are your thoughts?

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  • 35 votes
RandyMoose 7 May 9

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33 comments (26 - 33)

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If they can, you can.

It shows how toxic religion is if you feel afraid of them.

You have as much right to display a sticker as they do. Be brave.


No offense to anyone, but advertising Atheism/Agnosticism, even in a semi-closed minded community may be asking for trouble. If you were in NYC, an anything goes kinda town, you'd probably be ok... but in "middle America"... here, please, " key my car".

Tomas Level 7 July 3, 2018

I would think that your car not having a god related bumper sticker makes you stand out lol


After my Darwin fish fell off of the car I replaced it with a plastic skeleton of a fish.
Life is risky & your 1st Amendment rights should be used or losed. But you would be taking a risk. A beater car? Yes. A Lamborghini? No. I risk it because I'm a patriot.


Who cares about the risk? Why would anyone want an athiest sticker? It’s so pointless. I can think of a million things that I could put in my car that would say much more about who I am.

For example?

Bands I like
States I like
Presidents I like
Websites I like
Quotes I like
Music symbols
Math symbols
Peace symbol
Sex symbols
Percussion cymbals

Just about anything but athiesm because it’s probably the most boring fact about me.


Ha ha ha... If you want your car vandalized by God fearing loving and caring wonderful amazing people then go right ahead, give it a shot and then let us know how that worked for you


Someday, well be able to do this. But at this time you'll just get your vehicle trashed.

Cheri Level 5 May 9, 2018

If I was a Christian Moslem or a new or whatever, I wouldn't put it on a bumper sticker on my car advertising that..
Nor would a member of the K.K.K or L.G.B.T community so why would Agnostics and Athiests.
I am proud of what I am and what I stand for and stand against...but my family are still Christians and it's not up to me to convert them. They are in that car too..I wouldn't ever want to put them in harms way in case some religious fanatical freak decides to throw a rock through the window or worse.
No.. I can wear a badge, tee shirt, baseball cap with it..but not the car.

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