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LINK How *you* can protect democracy

29 concrete actions you can take right now to protect our system of government

Quinn Raymond
Jan 06, 2025

Democracy versus autocracy is more than just an abstract conflict between competing principles. When our nation shifts toward authoritarianism, it affects all of us. Quite literally, our lives, liberty, and pursuit of happiness are at stake. This may feel weighty: The stakes are high.

But it’s also an opportunity: Our democracy has never quite been what it ought to be. If it’s the framework for our entire way of life, shouldn’t we try to make it the best we can? Try to not only protect it, but also nurture and improve it?

How we respond to this moment will shape what happens next.

But can I really make a difference?
National events, and their impacts on us and our loved ones, can feel overwhelming. We may feel a sense of fear and helplessness.

There is good news: Regular citizens are the ones best suited to strengthen our democracy. This is especially true at the local level, where our sphere of influence is greatest. Consider our circles of concern, influence, and control:

In truth, we are not helpless at all. Below are 29 real, concrete actions you can start taking right away. These actions can offer not only knowledge, relief, and power — but also joy, fun, and community.

Please click link to keep reading.

HippieChick58 9 Jan 7

Enjoy being online again!

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We are A Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy. Two Senators per State and a minimum one one House Representative per State both irrespective of population is not Democratic at all. The Electoral College is not Democratic. The requirement that to pass Constitutional Amendments with a 66% vote is not Democratic, and I could go on.

Our Founding Fathers purposely avoided a Democracy.


There is no such thing as democracy anymore, because democracy and ultra capitalism are completely incompatible.
An election that can be bought is no longer an election, it is a purchase
Politicians who can be bought are not longer representatives, they are employees
Policies that can be bought are no longer democratic politics, they are are at best action plans at worst thee result of corruption.
The twitching corpse of what was tokenism western democracy died with the election of Thatcher and Reagan and has since been given periodic electric defibrillation to induce twitching and the illusion of life ever since.
The governments of today all over the world no longer even pretend that they are not bought and paid for but brag about it and call it a sign of intelligence, those that don't answer tot the other kind of international corporation known euphemistically as religion.
The fantasy of democracy persists for the proles and plebs to point to and to salve their egos, rather than face the terrible truth that they have no say, do not matter, are creatures of no consequence other than as cogs in the wheels of industry and that their very existence is little more than tolerated until automation and AI make them obsolete and disposable.


Democracy is a dream to strive for. I do political activity work and fact check what has been said. Trump wants to make this illegal and sue the media. So far he has been allowed to do this without any concerns of stopping him. One newspaper gave in and paid up so Trump is also wanting to go after reporters. My mind says that "we the people" means all of us and not just a group that is in power right now. I'm also of the opinion that if Social Security is insolvent we know we have also lost Medicare and Medicaid. This would mean that our way of life as we know it comes to an end. Lots of men, women, and children with no more care or money for their care. What do we do then? Where do they go? Maybe we could line them up and shoot them or just deport them too. Oh, wait! I'm talking about Americans here. It would be easy to protect everyone but it does not look like that is the plan.


I like the direction this takes (and the optimism) and it's absolutely true that our democracy has never quite been what it ought to be. I understand the almost deification of the Democratic party recently because we desperately needed some type of hope but while much improved over the GOP, it didn't do much to help us avoid our current nightmare.

I belong to a local group whose mission is to facilitate understanding of the Black experience within the White community and it's been tremendously successful ... but they recognize their vulnerability and have taken a recent break, and that knocked the wind out of me big time. Hopefully we can find ways to reorganize at the local level in a way that can build a stronger government so this doesn't happen again ... presuming we can survive this one.


I'm going to a meeting with my daughter in law next week to pick each other's brains and network, see what subjects we are going to gather for and get others to join us. It's a start but during these next four years we're going to need to get things done.


IMHO, the biggest single thing to learn and develop is learning how to see and hear dis and mis information and maintaining a well oiled bullshit meter! Then hone the skills needed to communicate effectively. Gotta ditch the emotions and stick with facts. I tend to get too pedantic, always wanting to put too fine a point - need to not let my head get pointed!! LOL
Thanks for posting this!!


I'm feeling very dejected about how things are going.

I do have a local Indivisible group, but I stopped attending gatherings as I didn't feel it would be enough to stop the direction of the election. (I actually thought Harris would win, without my help.)

So, I might become more active in that, or participate in more of the events.

I don't have a lot of extra money, but I've decided to start donating more to the organizations I believe in. ACLU, FFRF, NPR, and support my news sources that I believe are sussing out the truth.

I worry about Facebook with the decision to start allowing disinformation unchecked. I'm always skeptical about posts shared by others anyway. I do not share memes and claims that do not have factual sources backing them up.

I've always tried to keep my political views somewhat private from my neighbors as I don't want to create conflict, but conflict from "the other side" has already taken root, so I have to decide whether to keep my peace or start waging war right back. I don't like that second option, but I fear we are heading for a civil war, like it or not.

The internal war within our country might be fought mostly in the social media, false news outlets and clothing, flags, and other symbols, rather than face to face.

My strategy (at this time) with my immediate community which has a strong Trump force, is to just be as nice and fair minded as I can be, and stay true to my convictions that we CAN get along together if we seek some middle ground. I just am not a militant fighter as some others might be. I know, a weak strategy, but it's all I can do at this time.

I fact check. Back when I used to go into the club house and there was a community computer available I would sometimes sit at the computer and fact check what was on FOX. The morning coffee group would watch normal news and weather (LOL). Late morning or early afternoon the FOX watching group would gather, I'd sit at the computer in the corner and fact check. hahahahaha
Sometimes when they's see me come in they would just turn the TV off and leave.
I can be so annoying sometimes but I will not just sit around and accept lies!!

Julie, it depends on what you mean by weak. I talk to others all the time without name calling or even using Trump's name and I find in the end that most of us want the same things. If we get that far in conversation and I point this out people seem to agree with me. Back and forth "is too, is not" talk goes nowhere. We need to teach government in our schools again.

@DenoPenno Yep - I get along just fine with people until the labels come out. I remember days when people kept religion and politics out of social conversations, but it seems foremost in many people's minds with all the craziness going on.


We need to remember our system has been the main part of our government for over two centuries and so has deep roots.
Absolutely, knowledge is paramount. Unfortunately our 'wonderful' internet has sown the seeds of lies and conspiracy theories.
I've gone over all 29 items many, of which are difficult from a smallish island. However, each island has it's own paper which often gives state and national news. Our library is also one of the best small libraries in the state. It has been said we are the bluest state in the nation (aside from a few scofflaws on the East side (just ask Silverotter). I have joined an Indivisible group (which has one group in the county) and continue to learn and proudly be a part of the 'Woke' community.

A huge however, education and knowledge are resources. As such they are limited and many countries are seeing the limit to their resources especially education. Look around and it's happening everywhere and includes extreme environmental destruction of which is anthropogenic (human caused). The more of the most invasive and destructive species ever and the more our growing numbers and activities the more the harm to the natural forces on this planet. This time has been predicted by groups studying population growth for some 50 years. The problem is purely one of our form of constant growth (on a finite planet) economic system. It is not, in any way, sustainable and we are reaping the results.

Our outgoing governor (his replacement and the recent election of a majority of Democrats in the state will also be dedicated to the community). Inslee, grew up on my island, Lopez, hence his appreciation for nature. Here's something he recently stated as being where we will be going in the future.


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