Really funny ...
One of the admins at a medical office where I teach my classes for the elderly is taking all the credit for the facility having a huge number of participants that go to my exercise classes! The big bosses came to the facility and saw how packed my classes are and gave this motherfucker the credit! I've been teaching my classes there for the past seven years and I always have a packed room! I don't say hi to him anymore and I lost all respect for him a year ago! Instead of him recognizing that it was everyone involved that helped and at least thanking us, he takes all the credit! He never comes into the room where we're exercising to at least say hello! What dumbass!
@Lizard_of_Ahaz I know! I've been taking my mom to all of her doctors appointments. I advocate for her and those appointments are not that short well especially when I'm there! I ask questions and they answer me and help us. Some of her doctors don't like this trend and even give us some of her meds that are free samples. I have an ex boyfriend who works at one of the hospitals here and he brings me a lot of free samples for my mom. Yeah, the hospital gets a kickback every time a patient is prescribed this medication. I have asked her primary doctor for a prescription to take to Juarez Mexico to get it at a very low price, not the ridiculous over priced here in the States. I'm very lucky to live in a border city.
@michelle666gar If Putin's orange bitch does manage to shutdown the VA I might need someone who can get my meds that way.
@Lizard_of_Ahaz It's cheaper than here!
@michelle666gar Right now I get everything free through the VA but if these lunatics cut medical services I won't be able to afford my medication locally.
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Right there with you. I just found out that I can go back to VA Healthcare, but am really worried the damned repubs are going to destroy the VA Healthcare.
@Lizard_of_Ahaz, @Redheadedgammy So much disrespect for veterans who fought wars for the country!
@michelle666gar Or even those who volunteered to serve in peacetime so this country could be prepared for war...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz The disrespect....
Way more honest, trustworthy, and intelligent, than most of our congresscritters and presidents in DC.. The old testament bible had their prophets, while we had and have our comedians, like Lenny Bruce, Richard Pryor, George Carlin, and now Jon Stewart... They are our modern truthtellers, not the political pundits..