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LINK Atheists | Religious Landscape Study | Pew Research Center

US atheism is on the rise. As an old guy, I'm a minority within a minority!

TommyNIK 6 Mar 19

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I was brought into the world of believers in a big was when I was a teen. Today I wonder why anyone is a believer. Recently I find 2 Mormons at my door and I told them dates on Constantine wanting a big book bible with a story complete from beginning to end. This is a big reason for me not to believe. The young Mormons knew what I meant and said this is why they have a living prophet. I waved at them as they left and I closed my door.


And that's why I have such a nice niche performing atheist/humanistic weddings and funerals! Most officiants/celebrants in my area, hundreds, are religious, I am in the minority, there being only two officiants in my area who specialize in non-religious ceremonies. Yet about 40% couples getting married want a non-religious wedding, especially those eloping to a tropical island to get married, rather than in a church at home!

I'm not a mathematician, but the numbers seem to be in my favor and only getting better!


Growth in: Middle aged atheists, non-white atheists, married atheists, women atheists...

Nice to see even small decreases in delusional thinking.


At least you're in good company 😉

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