41 6

Pie or Cake?

Put candles in a cake and it's a party, put candles in a pie and someone's drunk in the kitchen....... but what do YOU think?

  • 46 votes
  • 26 votes
WhatsInAName 6 May 11

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"The cake is a lie."

Pies, for the win. There are precious few cakes that I'll even touch. OTOH, I positively adoe a pastry crust!

Zster Level 8 May 11, 2018

Now this is the sort of poll I can really sink my teeth into!


Oh screw it, 3.14 ?

Emme Level 7 May 11, 2018

Really? Does no one get it?
It's Pi...?

@Emme The way the site seems to be set up, it takes time for replies/posts to be seen by others

It might be so.?


I can have my cake and eat pie too?

Emme Level 7 May 11, 2018

Depends on what type of pie vs what type of cake

Proto Level 6 May 11, 2018

My husband said he married me for my apple pie. I hope that was not the only reason.

Your being on this site speaks of your intelligence. Good job.


Related question: What category does cheese cake fall under?

Pie/cake? It’s delicious whichever it is.


Both, please




Either, as long as it's served with good coffee.


Pie. But only because I've never heard of a pizza cake.

Sure you have
"How was the exam, hard?"
"No it was a pizza cake"
....I'll get my coat




yes .... and butter tarts too.



Just wait until someone (else) adds coconut to your mashed potatoes. It did really tasted different and the person who made thought it was really good. Yuk.

The person who did that is pure evil. Stay away from them.

@Iffy mother in law

@Marine ‘nuf said...


Not a big fan of frosting, and with most store bought cakes, the frosting is the best part. At least with pie you usually get a flaky buttery crust and sometimes fruit. Not as easy to write on though...


Pie! Any other answer is stupid!


Pie for sure! Lemon meringue and coconut cream. Well unless it is a birthday cake with huge sugar icing flowers

We could definitely hang out for dessert!!

The Cheesecake Factory has two lemon "cheesecakes" -- one is lemon meringue, and the other is lemon with real raspberry sauce.

@BlueWave love Cheesecake Factory


I love a good fresh baked fruit pie ! None of those cream creations for me ! Oh no ! Fruit please, and yes, candles for a birthday on pie is just as good as in a cake !?

I agree. My daughter doesn't like cake, so we often did pie, brownies, etc.


I like both but prefer my cake without frosting. I just think frosting is too sweet and can't eat it.

@SallyMc Too funny!! I'm the guy in the corner at a wedding dinner scraping my frosting into the garbage.


Here in the U.K. if you say pie we generally think savoury, so pie then cake, and if you say you meant fruit pie then I'm gonna plead ignorance and try a bit of that as well

What do you call sweet pies that don't have fruit?

@cmadler I'm trying to think of a sweet pie that is not made with fruit...... Oh, chocolate!!

@BlueWave Pecan pie, chess pie, Derby pie, pumpkin pie, and sweet potato pie are the first that come to mind. I'm sure I could name others if I think about it a bit.

We don't really have those, but a pie is still a pie, I love apple pie and cherry pie, but if somebody says pie I'm thinking Steak pie or chicken pie

@cmadler Touche! ??


Pie for sure


Actually, if I could only ever have one thing, it would be donuts.

Nuts of the D'oh!☺


Pie for sure, I'll turn down cake but I'll never say no to pie.


PIE!! Yummy!


Carvel. Does that count as cake

jab60 Level 6 May 11, 2018
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