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What do you think when people refer to abortion providers and pro-choice activists as baby killers?

Also, is 40 weeks too late to have an abortion? I know that women who need one are forced to wait long periods of time.

Krystal_H 4 Dec 15

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mean spirited people with ulterior motives. think about the girl and what she has to do. not a happy place to be in [ although why she didn't take the morning after pill beats me]


I find most of these are Republicans to which I reply it is better to not bring a child into this world than to torture them by not educating them , feeding them or taking care of their medical needs. Just look at the current administration which has taken all of these items away from children and the sick to expand the greed they prefer. I strongly feel that this is torture to see many children brought up in slums or not wanted. Ask them why with their belief they do not support all these children!


I think we need to pick our battles and these people are beyond any ideas other than their own so sometimes it's best to walk away.

It's not just this issue but many other issues on both sides of the spectrum. I will say and continue to say when an issue is based on emotion reason goes out the door and unless that person is expected to work with a reasoned approach, it is a waste of time.


Religious maniacs.

godef Level 7 Dec 16, 2017

I think they’re intentionally stupid.


I think such people should have been aborted.


40 weeks is full term; the baby is viable. All that is standing in the way of it being a legit legal person is birth. You'd be hard pressed to find a doctor who would perform an abortion at that late stage, particularly if both baby & mom are healthy.

@Petro - ya, it's an extension of eugenics. We know how well that went...


I hate it. I once took my handicapped daughter to a clinic which had protesters outside with gross signs. All for birth control. She later was talked into sterilization by someone. I was angry because she has the developmental level of a twelve year old. I don't think the clinic suggested it.


theoretically, a woman loses a life or more every month of her fertile life or you wouldn't get identical twins. the world is heaving with humans to the point of destroying life on earth so surely its better to get rid of an unwanted baby.


I imagine a child throwing a temper tantrum.


They're not interested in discussing it at all. They exaggerate and demonize the the ones performing and the on having the abortion and it pisses me off.


I believe It's the woman's choice, period. Now would I ever get one.. Most likely not but if I had to at least I know It's available. Calling people Baby killers should be saved for the mothers, fathers or other adults that feel the need to kill children who have already been born. There is a huge difference. But what I'm really confused about is your 40 weeks remark. You do realize that is a full term pregnancy right? No one can get an abortion at 40 weeks. Basically that's an ignorant question. There is a limited time an abortion can be preform. If the life of the mother or fetus is in great danger I do believe you can have a late term abortion but it MUST be proven. But that option even has a time limit.


I understand why some people would never want to consider an abortion for themselves, or even be heartbroken if their daughter did that, ... but it is quite horrid to call others "baby killers". When done early, what you abort, the human fetus, could not be distinguished easily from a chicken or shark fetus. The gruesome pictures they show of cute babies is later. There is quite a lot that irks me about the anti abortion lot. One thing: as if forbidding abortions would stop them. It just makes them messier and more dangerous. next: on the whole, that lot (ie the republicans in the US) seem to care for the unborn baby a thousand times more than any born children. Even in their own nation, let alone a place like Yemen. if you are looking for baby killers, how about the Saudis dropping shit on Yemeni people? Oh, making women wait to 40 weeks? That is terrible. That's nearly full term. No. Way too late, unless mother is in mortal danger from the child.


It really angers me when I encounter the "baby-killer" fanatics. I have to try not to argue with them - but - I usually end up telling them that the bodies of other women are none of their business and "If you do not believe in abortion- then don't have one." End of discussion. I hesitate to get into the debate about whether their anti-abortion beliefs are based on science or religion ---- but I personally think that their "rules" are all about religion and their choice to believe in a supernatural "soul". Yeah, it all comes down to their religion.

About whether 40 weeks is too late to have an abortion ... I think that it is waiting too long. Now we start getting into the "science" of whether a fetus can feel pain / survive outside the womb etc. The sooner that you determine that you are pregnant and get yourself to a clinic, the better. If your state forces you to wait too long, then go out of state to a location that is not so conservative and manipulating. Please remember the organization, NARAL, and contact them for information/ possibly assistance.


Here's what I think. I think the tailpipe emissions from people driving to and from anti-abortion rallies kill people.


I'm in favor of abortion up until two years after birth — what is that, the 11th trimester? — but, seriously, the people who call abortion doctors and pro-choice activists "baby killers" are misguided in my opinion, especially the many who are supportive of killing doctors in the name of saving lives. It's insanity.

What can I say, @silvereyes? I'm conservative. 😛

Read my answer

@Petro, if abortion, legal now for many decades and a common practice through history, leads to euthanasia then it's certainly taking its sweet time to arrive, considering even assisted suicide isn't legal yet in most countries, including the U.S. Slippery slope is a logical fallacy, weakening your argument before you even start. But, that aside, you don't seem to be considering the concepts of bodily autonomy and personhood inherent to the pro-choice position. You might also want to check your Bible for references of God commanding people to kill infants and pregnant women, because there's enough there to cast serious doubt on any vague reference to not destroying fetuses.


It’s not your body, so it’s not your choice. Period.

And when people called me a baby killer, I flipped them off and carried on.

My sentiments exactly..and I'm a male!


No one in their right mind wants abortion to exist. Abortion exists as a neccessity because there have been far too many road blocks put in the way of the development of 100% safe and effective birth control.

The anti-abortion movement is not, and has never been about preventing abortion. It's about telling people what they can and cannot do in the privacy of their own bedroom and with whom.

If anti-abortion activists were really all about preventing abortions, they'd be on every street corner in every city and town in the world handing out free condoms. They'd also be dumping all that money they seem to have in to scientific research on pregnancy prevention. Not standing in front of Planned Parenthood waving picket signs.

Pro Lifers are usually religious people who don't even believe it's moral to use birth control. (Catholics for the most part). So, handing out rubbers is below them. Silly, eh? BUT - they do promote abstinence. Laughable.

Exactly. As I said, the anti-abortion movement is about telling people what they can and cannot do in their own bedrooms and with whom.

If preventing unwanted pregnancies was really their goal, then they'd be exploring every means available to make it happen.


40 weeks is a full gestation period.

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