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Do you support the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)?

How do you feel about this solution to healthcare? Was it the right choice?

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silvereyes 8 Dec 16

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39 comments (26 - 39)

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It's a step towards single payer healthcare so yes until we get single payer healthcare, absolutely!

SamL Level 7 Dec 16, 2017

We need more than this, but this is better than what the GOP will leave us with.


Heck... I don't know... I suppose Its helping some. I just don't care for the penalty thing going on. I understand you have to apply for Obama care if you can't afford regular insurance... You lnow, I'm not really qualified to speak out on this.


I am for it in that it's a step in the right direction. We need Medicare for All though...or something that provides care for all citizens regardless of income. A lot of the problems with the ACA have been related to the fact that they didn't include a public option. That being said, I have personally benefited from he expansion of Medicaid and am grateful for that. We can do better though for all people of this country though.


What we really need is universal healthcare and we need to make Trump a lame duck president and then vote him out


I'm the one who winds up paying the subsidies for people who need help, and apparently, giant insurance companies who also need help. And then I have to pay the increased premiums for my own (non-subsidized) coverage. And I supported the ACA. I just wish it hadn't been a big money grab for pharma and for-profit health care.


Yes and no. It's better than nothing, but not by much. Need to eliminate those third parties whose sole purpose is to take money.

d_day Level 7 Dec 16, 2017

I couldn't decide between Yes and Maybe. I ended up voting Yes because - without sabotage - it had a real chance of working for quite awhile, but I do think that single payer will ultimately be better.


Yes, I support the ACA. It may not be the best, but it's the best that could get through Congress.


your insurance companies coupled with your big pharma and private hospitals are raping you daily. national health ,where there is NO PROFIT , but for the people, is the way to go. In manitoba they even have socialized car insurance where the fees are 1/3 of what we pay


I think we need a non-profit single payer universal healthcare system, where medicine is aobut preventing and curing disease, rather than out current system of "managing" disease to make greater profits.


I need to add a new development on this. As some may know our 'government' is trying to censor certain words from the CDC and HHS. One of those terms is Affordable Healthcare. Only Obamacare is to be allowed.


Thank you for calling it the ACA. It is best if we don't let the racists and bigots drag more people into their pool of willful ignorance and hatred by succumbing to the trappings of the connotative meanings of their verbiages.


No, republicans turned it into a tax.

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