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Is it normal for a person to enjoy being single more than being in a relationship?

EmeraldJewel 7 May 23

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Why is it that the staple is if you're married or in a relationship you are happy? I've been alone for quite sometime and am fine with it. Being in a relationship is not what its cracked up to be in my 53 years on this planet.

I'm happy now. The good days are here. Retired. Sleeping late. No schedule. Travel. Not sweating. Being grateful. I'm doing that with a retired wife.

@BucketlistBob I'm happy for you and your wife. Its nice to see that it can work!

@Presley1209. Awww.... not to be mean, but it works all over the place. Next thing you do is down size and prepare for the future. You know your not going to be able to handle a big yard and all that landscape. Or keep up with the repairs of a big house. That's my next step. Build a smaller home and sell this one. My dad about killed me leaving me and my son to manage his property.


Noo. I love no shave November...I extend it to...say...March-ish. Lol
Seriously though...I don't miss drama and tantrums and bs.

So you're saying I don't have to shave in November?


I don't know. Most of my adult life has been spent single and alone. (There is a difference between the two) I just accept whatever situation I am in, and enjoy it.


Yes, doing what I want, when I want, without having to listen to the ramblings of how someone's day went. Priceless.


Can be, certainly better being single than in a bad relationship. Many people prefer variety and a relationship doesn't suit.


Yes . There's benefits to both when you are happy being single you are more likely to meet someone special.


You shouldn't worry about what others think. The fact that you prefer it, is what matters most. It's obviously normal for you.


There is no such thing as "normal." If You're enjoying yourself, keep doing what you're doing.


I do. After 23 years of marriage, 18 together, I now know the difference and prefer being alone. Friendship would be nice but the woman usually wants more.


Maybe. This is the first time I've been single in 24 years and girl, I'm loving it. I'm completely satiated. I'd just like to share it with someone.

...who the hell wants to be "normal" anyway?


Some relationships, yes.


What in the hell is normal, exactly? If it works for you, it's normal. Relationships require effort from all parties. Not easy.


I don't think it is abnormal. I am not just comfortable on my own... I actually enjoy it and require it often. If someone is going to be a part of my life they need to bring something to the table and be comfortable with who they are and actually know who that is because I have taken that journey and won't hold someone's hand while they take theirs. And again... I need space sometimes so they need to be secure enough to handle that level of independence. I prefer spending most of my time alone honestly. You can only count on yourself always being there so you damn well better learn to enjoy your company.


I've gotten used to being alone. It's been a long time since I went on a date, but each time I have tried in the last years, it's been a complete nightmare.....,.talk about baggage. And I'm crazy enough in my own mind...JUST BY MYSELF!!! One thing for sure, if there's no chemistry then it's a complete waste of time. There has to be an attraction and it has to happen between 2 people, not just one.

You look at these dumbasses, like Weinstein, Charlie Rose, Matt's my question to these dumb shits........ how much sense does it make to try to kiss a woman who doesn't want to kiss you? To rape a woman? Have sex with a woman who doesn't want to have sex with you???
And that ass wipe Olympic doctor......he molested 250 little girls....WTF???? They should cut his dick off and shove down his throat!!!

Making love should be making love, it should be hot, and exciting, and fun.....all there to it. If the desire is not there, then it is not there. These guys, so they are lonely.....what's new??? Talk about
losers....omg. With the "METOO" thing going on, it ain't even worth hitting on a woman, and in my case, most of the ones I want are gorgeous..... so If I hit on them, there's got to be 10, 000 other guys that hit on that day!!! So it's a waste of time and anymore.....a woman has to show interest in me first......which ain't gonna happen. It's not worth the trouble any more.

The Pickens for me are slim. Go to WALMART and just look at the woman, go figure!
Don't even think about the 65 years olds......omg......I dont' have 2 babies hanging over my belt.....
NOT most people after 40...( and younger ) just EAT FOOD!!!.....there is no sex....there
is no's bizarre.

But like I said, nothing is gonna happen unless there's chemistry.....if you want to hear about
all the nightmares I met on PlentyOfFish......just message me, and I will tell you......
you ain't gonna believe this shit.....I know I didn't.


I enjoy being single.


Its normal for me.


It is possible to be alone and in a relationship, possible to live single but not be alone, single alone, or relationship together. If you are unhappy, whatever your relationship status, change something.


Y E S ....those 4 times I and the other hers went out our own way. It was awesome...
Watch "Who Needs Ya' - Steppenwolf" on YouTube


define normal


I think for myself being in a relationship can be simultaneously nice but difficult...I have an incredibly independent nature and having a partner can make that difficult.


I don't think so it matteres what relationdhips youve had. when there good is ok when not its better to be alone you can't let people bring you
down just to be in a relationship


What Zeuser said. Everybody's 'normal' is different. My personal preference is to be single. I enjoy my own company, being in my own space, not having to share with anyone else, being able to do what I want in that space without having to share with anyone or work around their schedule. That's not to say I wouldn't like to have a partner, but it isn't a consuming need for me. I've had long term relationships, lived with one partner, so I've had the experience. But it's been a long while since I've been in a serious relationship and I've become so comfortable with being on my own, I'm not sure I'd know what to do with myself if I was in a long term relationship again. I'm also damn tired of the dating scene, in person and online. I don't suffer fools gladly and I've encountered FAR too many fools in the dating scene over the years. I pretty much gave up on it in 2010 after my last relationship ended. But if I'm ever fortunate enough to meet someone who is a good fit for me, we share some chemistry and both of us want to pursue a relationship, I'd like to see if we could make it work and I might be willing to tolerate a little personal discomfort for the right guy.

I also have a good friend who's been with her long term partner for nearly 20 years. They're not married, but live in the same apartment building. He lives upstairs; she lives downstairs, so they both have their own space. They've lived that way for most of their relationship and it works for them. It's helped them maintain their relationship so far. I kind of like the idea of having separate spaces because when you're in a relationship, I think you sometimes need to retreat to your own space and have some private time away from your partner. I don't know if I'd ever want to have separate apartments, but if I was living with my partner, hopefully we could afford a big enough space that we could have our own separate spaces to retreat to when needed.

...Like I wrote above, everyone's 'normal' is different. Maybe you need to work on figuring out yours.


Gawd yes. Wish I still was.


Sure it is. Come to think of it, it may be more sane.?


Yes ,if you previously experienced a bad one

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