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What is the purpose of pain?

And when does it make sense to numb it?

The_Antichrist 6 May 27

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Danger Will Robinson.



Pain is how you know something is wrong and you need to make a change.

So for the person suffering from a chronically painful illness with no cure in sight, that change would be... death???

@The_Antichrist My situation also.

@Marine My condolences.


Pain exists to inform you that you're experiencing harm, biologically speaking. That, and also to remind you that you have an injury (where an injury already exists)

It's a mechanism of self presentation... Sheeeeee

Self preservation, not presentation. Stupid autocorrect


To create a market for painkillers...

Absolutely we have become a race of weaklings and capital pirates..Take The Pain!


To let you know something is wrong in your life or in your body. It also helps you write good Blues lyrics. 😉


Pain, mental or physical, has only one let you know something is wrong..pain only hinders healing, and should be eliminated as soon as safely possible...

Would you say that pain is the greatest evil known to man?

@The_Antichrist Especially when it is the result of torture

@Marine Aren't all forms of pain tortuous to a certain extent? Does being burned at the stake hurt any less if it's on accident?

@The_Antichrist my very firm belief, is that religion is the greatest evil known.

@HankSherman Wow. Jesus is worse than pain. How profound.


Pain is life'way of saying "Stop that! Don't do that!"

I guess that's why they say "life's a bitch."


To let you know something is wrong with/in your body. When to numb said pain is at the sole discretion of the individual experiencing the pain.

And never at the sole discretion of the doctor treating the individual experiencing the pain.


To let us know we fucked up? Numb it whenever possible.

Damn it! I knew it was all my fault. And all this time I've been blaming God.

@The_Antichrist. lol


I believe that pain is for the sake of no pain. What I mean is this: how can we know one idea without knowing the opposite? How can we know what dark is if we don't have the opposite, light? How can we know what love is if we don't know hate? So on and so forth...<3


I had my knee replaced 1 month ago. The next day they discharged me from the hospital late in the pain med cycle and we got stuck in rush hour traffic on the way to the pharmacy to pick up my opioid pain meds. The pain grew to a point I have never experienced before. As a coping mechanism I felt like I left my body. I responded to my wife only in meek one word answers. The pain became much more tolerable. I wonder(but don’t really want to find out) what natural defenses we have to deal with pain.

There would be no joint replacement or many other surgeries if we didn’t have strong pain management. I also could/would not have done the physical therapy necessary for best outcome if not for drugs. Numbing can have constructive uses.

I profoundly respect the strength in women that allows them to give birth multiple times.


Emotional, physical, or merely psychological?

All 3. Can you really have physical or psychological pain without emotional pain? I.E., doesn't all pain have an emotional component to it, namely, sadness?

@The_Antichrist I am not sad I am just outright upset.

@Marine Being upset is different than being sad? What's the difference?

@The_Antichrist Hm. I’ll have to concede that one. I don’t think of sadness as pain. I think of it as regret or just plain sorrow over life. Sometimes our best efforts don’t pay. Genuine pain is merely a warning that we’ve entered into dangerous territory.

@rainmanjr Sadness, regret, sorrow are all words associated with pain (emotional and chemical) not pleasure.
"dangerous territory"= danger to our existence or danger to our happiness/pleasure

@The_Antichrist Both, but usually more about happiness.


It's that reciprocity thing: without pain, why does papaver sominferum grow and why does the willow bark create aspirin?

Exactly. The existence of pain relievers necessitates the existence of pain. After all, what good would Tylenol be if we didn't get headaches?

@The_Antichrist And ou know that tylenol will kill you, right? First the liver; then the kidneys.You're better off with opium.

@Spinliesel It all kills us, right?

@Spinliesel But, I've never tried Opium. How's it taste?


To remind us we are mortal..?

Yes, every time I stub my toe I'm reminded that I'm not Zeus.

@The_Antichrist Lol I hope you don't take the Lord's name in vain when toe stubbing! ???

@The_Antichrist Lord Zeus I mean...

@Hitchens I wonder if that's how the ancient Greeks used to swear, by taking the Lord Zeus's name in vain.

@The_Antichrist you bet Apollo's ass it was...


An injury is, or is emminant. Numb the pain if the injury is on route to healing. Otherwise the grim reaper may visit.

I love that guy.


To stop you hurting yourself - more.

What if someone is hurting you? Or something?

@The_Antichrist Then to move away from the pain, get away from that person/situation. Response to stimuli is one of the basic indicators for life.

@Rugglesby What if you are not able to move away from the source of pain? What if it's from within? What is the organism's proper response to this form of stimuli?

@The_Antichrist good point, relating to the 2nd part of your question. I almost never take any pain relief, severe ear or tooth ache and i will until I get to a doctor/dentist. I think if I had a chronic condition that was not going to be resolved but caused continued pain I would seek relief. Same with pets, if they get cancer and such, anything to alleviate the pain. Pity we don't have a pain shut off switch. "Yep, I know, I cut myself, I will get it seen to, you can turn off now." Regard to proper response to the pains you mention, I do not think there is one. It is as if pain is only 1/2 the answer to the problem, ie letting you know, but evolution doesn't seem to have solved the 2nd part yet. Unless it may be related to shock?

@Rugglesby I don't understand the part about shock that you mention.
Isn't the proper response to pain, regardless of the source, to seek relief, whether through chemicals or ultimately suicide if no relief is found?

@The_Antichrist Shock was in regard to trauma, when an animal is hit by a car, or a gazelle taken by a lion, the body goes into shock. A friend of mine cut though his thigh with a chain saw, had a cigarette while waiting for the ambulance. ahhh, we are looking at pain from different perspectives. I was looking purely from the biological view, ie the purpose pain serves. I am not so good re people and have an extremely high pain tolerance (genetic freak) myself. By proper response you would mean the human response in which case if the pain was intolerable, then pain relief medication, and if it was never going to end, then termination by some means.

@Rugglesby Yes


Physical pain exists so we can live. It makes sense to numb it once you've learned why it exists.
Psychological pain exists so we can create art and sell it for millions of dollars. It makes sense to numb it if you want to be numb. And happy. Ignorance is bliss, what you don't know, you won't miss.

SXXX9 Level 4 Aug 1, 2018

? to warn you something is wrong Numb it once you know something is wrong.

But what about the rare condition of when the brain is receiving the message that something is wrong, but nothing is actually wrong? Do you numb the pain in this instance?

@The_Antichrist Then it is even more important to numb it.

@Marine Now I know why you are a Level 8. Hosanna. Hosanna in the highest.


So you don't stick your dick in it ...

In what? It usually feels good when I stick mine in things.

@The_Antichrist not if it had teeth ...see Teeth the movie

@Simon1 Stills feels good when it has teeth.

@The_Antichrist come back to me after you see Teeth lol

@Simon1 Is it horror porn?

@The_Antichrist horror but not porn []

@Simon1 I don't know if I want to watch it. Sounds like it could scar me for life.

@The_Antichrist lmao it will !!! Crossed my legs all the way through it


I don't know if it has a purpose.

Our genes want to proliferate and being in pain, physically or mentally, reduces those chances of proliferation.

Maybe pain is just a barrier that tests the survival of our fitness?


To give us angst for meme creation 🙂

Which begs the question, would humor even exist without the existence of pain?

@The_Antichrist too true 🙂


Pain is a signal from the brain intended to a) send your body part a message that you (or someone else) should stop doing whatever is is that they are doing that is causing the pain, and b) to send the helper cells to that area to begin the healing process.

What if you can't stop the pain?

@The_Antichrist Suck it up butter cup?

@Clauddvon Enduring the pain is better than numbing it then?

@The_Antichrist Numb it if that's what it takes. I don't have a problem with numbing. 🙂


Pain is weakness leaving your body.

So, what do you call chronic migraine headaches that never go away?

Maybe a demon. You're possessed.

@bigpawbullets So, I'm due for an exorcism. Felt like I needed one.

Seriously, if you're a chronic migraine sufferer, you've my sympathy. I don't think I've ever had a migraine, but I've had a few sinus headaches that I thought might kill me. I've been told that a migraine is 10 times as bad.

@bigpawbullets Hard to believe that some people still lead a productive life with such a condition. I don't think I could. Unrelenting pain is too much of a bummer for me.


Physical or mental/emotional ?

All pain.

Thats a broad target.
So I'll shoot : existence

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