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Do you sometimes accidentally say "Thank God" out of Habit from your christian past?

twshield 8 Dec 19

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All the time and a whole list of others like - Oh my god! God damn it! Swear to god! Jesus Christ! Holy hell! And if I'm feeling spunky, I'll throw in some F bombs too. Swear to fuckin god! Holy fuckin hell! And my all time favorite, Jesus fuckin Christ! It is nothing more then a way to express yourself and I see nothing wrong with it. Hence the !!!!! Because I'm usually pissed when I say them, lol.


Right there with you @Deidra500!


yes and thank the baby jesus when I catch myself and make it a joke


I say it all the time, and it doesn't bother me at all. The important thing is the gratitude, and some habits can stick around for a really long time. Especially if they've been that deeply ingrained. That being said, I also say, "oh god..." "goddammit," "god only knows" "swear to god" "good god..." it's a word that is so ingrained into my way of thinking, I'll probably never get rid of it.


From time to time. But I just use it as a saying sort of like "oh my god". I don't think it's a big deal. It's American colloquialisms. No need to feel like it means much.


Not necessarily from a position of religion. I'll say, "Thank god!" or "Goddamnit!" or "Jesus Christ" because these are cultural sayings. It never enters my mind that it has a religious connection when I say it.


Yes. And it doesn’t bother me. Does it bother you?


Yes ... also use bible quotes like "handwriting on the wall" and "turn the other cheek" and "walk on water" ... can't seem to get rid of those habits.

SKH78 Level 8 Dec 19, 2017



I say it with my Jewish


I say "thankfully" instead but every once in a while I do say it but realize it right away.


Yes! Oh My God!, Oh God! Thank God! and the list goes on. I don't worry too much about saying them but I definitely think about it afterwards.


I do! Hell, I still say "bless you" when someone sneezes (though it's morphed into something more like "beshoo" now) and "god damn it" when I'm upset. To me, they have never been overtly religious phrases. They are just sayings that have made their way into the popular vernacular, and I wouldn't judge any atheist for saying them or not saying them.

dkp93 Level 8 Dec 19, 2017

Bless you is about the only thing I won't say. For some reason it aggravates the hell out of me when people sneeze and expect me to say, Bless you. I usually try and say something funny. There is a new lady I work with who sneezes all day long and it turns into some kind of sneezing fit. The first time it happened it shocked the hell out of me. Its one of the worst sounding sneezes I've ever heard. Everyone in the office started saying bless you over and over each time she did it, like 20 people at once. I felt like I was hearing an exorcism. I just said real loud - Damn that sounds like a cat dying. Everybody laughed. ????


Sure do. But it aint a big thing. Only my wife and my brother in law knows im agnostic. Plus the people in here. Its just a slip of the tongue with no values of your character slandard. Yes I have brother.


I say thank god all the time. God damn; oh god; god stop biting me; oh.dear.god what have you done; god squad; godda go; godda make a move to a town that's right for me; if god had a name, what would it be and would we say it to his face;


I see it more as a function of language than belief. Lately, though, i have been trying to avoid 'Thank god' by saying things like "Thank the Ancient Ones' or 'Blessed be Odin'

Working in retail management, i have come to HATE Christmas with a passion. Still, however someone greets me (Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, etc), is how I tend to respond back. No reason to make everything into a battle

Ozman Level 7 Dec 21, 2017

I say "Thank the Gods" on purpose. It really pisses off the Christians.


There is a baggage we inherited and religious expression could be one of them. Been atheist not born from an atheist family makes the process uneasy . As more comfortable we are with. Been atheist the words that don't belong will evaporate

Do you know you made 2 if these comments that scream

Just because you post in CapsLk doesn't mean your screaming. Lol

@Lucas20520 lol... every position I've ever worked recognized all caps as screaming. Make it a post and see what's said. love you man. he's screaming!



I used to -- but not because of religious upbringing. Just because that's what people say. It's been a good 15 years or so. I trained myself to say "Thankfully" or "Fortunately."

I DO still say "Bless you," but it means nothing religious. I do it because I feel like it is now bad manners to not. Oy....


The word "God" is a cuss word to me. I was forcibly trained by overpowering christian adults when I was a helpless, defenseless and gullible child for my entire childhood. Of course I will reference a god out of habit sometimes - I may even beg a god for my life when I'm dying because I won't be in my right mind and the indoctrination may come to the surface as a last resort of a sickened mind. The bottom line is I don't believe in any god especially one created by ancient ignorant people that didn't know where the sun went at night. Child indoctrination is a human rights violation and as mature and responsible adults we have to stop the practice and demand that it be outlaw. Religion is an adult subject just like sex, drugs and alcohol that no child can understand before reasoning develops.


No, as I have no religious past - but I somtimes say 'Thank God', 'God knows!', 'Jesus Christ!', 'What the hell ...?', and other 'christianic phrases' simply as means of espression, them being part of spoken language.


Saying the words "Thank God" are not the christian habits that you should really be concerned about. These are just words that are as meaningless as yelling "son of a bitch" when you stump your toe. You don't actually believe the table leg's mother is a dog. Rather it is the more subtle subconscious habits ingrained in us by religion that constrain your feelings, that perhaps we should be freed by. Feeling such as the ones that make us feel as though we can no longer say those words since we "converted", as though it will somehow anger the great atheist "non-god". We no longer have to be dictated by such arbitrary decrees. Free thought is what they take from us. So THANK GOD for a site like this that encourages a community of free thinkers. Thank Zues, thank Yoda, & thank Roger friggin' Rabbit --Amen


Yes... and I was Jewish!

Leah Level 5 Dec 20, 2017

Hell no. God knows I don't have any religious phrases I hold on to. Jesus, you might be crazy. Bless your heart for thinking that's normal...



god damn it you're right


Only when I stub my toe.

godef Level 7 Dec 19, 2017

Well when I " royally cuzz" I do include god a few times to validate the cussing!!!!! Not thanking him much.

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