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Do you find it offensive when theist think without a belief in god/gods, it’s impossible to have morality?

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I think honestly many of those folks haven't really thought about it, but are just parroting something they heard from their clergy or something. I've had conversations with some devout people who were surprised to find I'm atheist. I like to think they change their thinking after realizing I'm nice, ethical and moral, without a belief in god/s. I do feel that as more of us nice atheists come out and create awareness, that myth about atheists being evil will evaporate.

You nailed it there. So few people are introspective enough to examine what they believe and why. Its so easy just to go with whatever they heard from the pulpit without any analysis. Thinking is hard! Religion is easy - they actually encourage you not to question or think. Its paradise for the lazy brains.


Not at all, others will always think differently to us ?


No, I just look at them as uneducated.

When they see an agnostic/atheist like me doing good deeds because I want to, and I don't give two shits about pleasing some God, hopefully the cognitive dissonance will spur them to question a bit more.


It does offend me. I have seen more morality from atheists than many christians.


I sure do! I guess they only behave right so they won't go to hell & will go to heaven. We do it for no reward....

Carin Level 8 May 30, 2018

Offensive? No. Ignorant? Oh hell yes.


It's quite sad that people believe that they need to believe in something to have morals when it should be a natural instinct to "DO" the right thing. But theres a reason why common sense ain't that common


First of all, I wish that my Language help me to tell you what i think about this in the simplest and shortest way i could.

For me ( Morals ) always inside us it's in our DNA and it's a common mistakes when we think that morals come out of Religion or Beliefs.

There is a lot of People without any sort of God or Belief and have morals ( Japanese, Chinese too and Hindus also and many other ancient and modern examples in human history.

Bible Told everyone the Horrible things that (Gods Prophet) over ages did, and on the modern history we all know the horribles
it happened inside church or with the name of god or religion So, According to your Question Logic.

Did you Think that those people do or doesn't have Morals....?!

The Thing Is When it comes to ( Morality ) We all be the same, Since Day one we able to Distinguish
what Right from Wrong, What's Good from Bad. We all get Effected by our Society, Education, Social and Economical level
and a lot of other issues that effect the way you see morals. For Example,
What I will find it very moral in Egypt you might find it immoral in US and so on....

Religion didn't found moral out of nowhere it was exists and known in older and ancient civilization before
So, he just took it or rephrase it in different way.

And now Since the Majority of people has religion or they pretend to have one. So you think he has the main role on this,
But you aren't quite accurate cuz we start to be more morals after we put religion and gods away from our life.

Look to the History of Middle Ages, Do we look morals to you..... ?!

Look at the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948

What do you Think Right Now ........ Does God or beliefs told us to do so.

Ask your self and am sure
you will be able to find the right answer.

Miloo Level 6 May 30, 2018

I guess I do not get offended that easily.


I don’t find it offensive but I do find it funny when I know someone for awhile and by my actions I am the best caring person on the planet. But as soon as they realize I don’t believe in god I get “oh my goodness, your going to hell”. It’s like, I was okay just a week ago. One small thing you learned about me didn’t turn me into a demon over night.


Mostly I amazed that people can be that stupid.


I don't find it offensive. It's wrong and silly, but it's just how they think.

I do my best to be good and the opinions of people who believe in religion are the very least of my worries.



Coldo Level 8 May 30, 2018

It's the difference between being a decent person, and just acting like one for fear of reprisals from an all seeing entity.

Broadly speaking, you're either a decent person or you're not. If you're not, then religion stands a chance of keeping you on track. Though there are plenty of god believers who are also nasty people and/or criminals. So it's not that effective a deterrent, is it? It certainly doesn't seem to stop Catholic priests performing sex offences against children.


Slightly offended, bewildered, and a little sad. Keep in mind, when they tell you that, they usually don't understand the definition. They will often agree you can be a good person, but not "moral", which to many of them just means you won't go to heaven. You are good, but not "one of them". You can't be in their club.

Sooo frustrating to talk to these brainwashed sheeple.


Yes. They also don't seem to realise that many of us carry the core of Judeo-Christian morality with us after we have left religion.

@Omen6Actual Judeo-Christian can’t be an oxymoron because the two terms do not contradict each other. For Christians, the latter is the fulfilment of the former. While you were not brought up with any religion, many people were and still are, and are coming to atheism and agnosticism with the moral values of their upbringing.

@Omen6Actual The problem with the word Judeo-Christian is that it is one word. You need a figure of speech with at least two words to create an oxymoron, such as ‘"I am busy doing nothing’ or ‘a little pain never hurt anyone’." I wondered did you mean ‘antinomy’ , a contradiction between two beliefs or conclusions that are in themselves reasonable; a paradox. But leaving word meanings, the Judeo-Christian culture is historically linear, the Christian West adopting the Jewish God YHVH and interpreting the messianic scriptures as applying to Jesus Christ. How the Jews feel about this is not something the Christian West was much bothered about. The comment about how the Bible and Koran is interpreted around the world has nothing to do with my point about our Judeo-Christian culture in the West. The comment about goat-rapists lets you down, because every culture has a minority of perverts and to categorise whole peoples as such is racist and just plain incorrect.


I find it highly offensive and have had many debates over this, but morality is all a matter of perspective.


yes, but it really is a judgement statement about themselves. Without their religious rules, threats and promises they are immoral.
ps. Many/most of them remain immoral even with/despite or because of their religion.


If a theist requires the fear of damnation to prevent them from doing immoral acts, then that is more offensive (scary) than what they think of me.


It's hugely offensive. I'm a very moral person. In fact some of the theists I've encountered during my lifetime have displayed a shocking lack of common, basic morality.

Many are hypocrites, yet they look down on us, patronise us and claim the moral high ground. To dismiss an atheist's morality is to invalidate the whole person.


What type of person do they think they are? They need god not to kill someone? Not to put weapons in kids hands for some kind of war? Not to recognise that it was their decision to put that much butter in that delicious but don't eat too much cake? That you should harrass others? That you can stand up to others harrassing you? That sometimes sharing with skills, emotions or resources of some kind is needed and benefical to all?To not forget about our own needs and allow a bit of selfishness sometimes? To understand that someones wealth can help others and that there was systems in place that they acquired that wealth in the first place? To understand that opinions are not peer reviewed facts? To see someone suffering and note that you can't rely on some god to help them? Oh wait most people walk past those people...

Do You Know, During Discussion With Fanatical Priest in my Family House Trying to Convince me That am Wrong and The Credit Of Anything Good Inside us Back To God and Religion.

And My Answer Was,

I said : Do you think that Religion and Beliefs Are the source of Morals and All Non Believer Atheist or not
They have no morals ?!

He Said : Yes, I Am what I am Cuz of God,....

I Interpreting him and Said " You're Wrong! "

in A Loud Voice your Vision are too Narrow.

Look at the most non believer people in the world
and compare them with religious ones.

Compare them to the religious ( Priests or sheikhs )
Who tell us. What to Do or What not to Do.

Never think that your religion is what makes me do right

Never think that your religion is the source of my morality

Morals are things I do when I feel that's the right thing to do

No matter what others tells or think about me.

But your religion .. is about doing what you're told to do..

No matter how you feel about it .. right .. or wrong

Both .. are completely different things!

Being a moral person is doing something good
because you love doing it

Not because there's someone who'll reward you to Put you in heaven to do or set you in fire if you don't.

Do you Imagine how religions can blind people.

And that's was my last time at my family house they kicked me out and said you are not welcome here anymore you are no longer be a part of this house anymore and the church priest encourage them
to continue and keep telling prayers at the house to Bless the
House from the diabolical thoughts I speaks inside
he said " This God's House no place for demon inside."
and my family answer was "Hallelujah"

and that's when i lost my family from then till now.


Very much so. The ones that scare me are the ones who freely admit they would do horrific things without their belief that they will be punished for it after death.


Seems to me religion follows social norms of society and bases their current teachings on what is currently acceptable. Where was any Christian church on treatment of the Jews and black people in the early part of the 20th century? If they are the light and the truth shouldn’t their teachings and beliefs be timeless and unaffected by current social or political norms? Ridiculous


To a small degree I feel offended.
Mostly I feel a great disappointment in their close mindedness.

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