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What's a small thing someone has said to you that made you feel good?

So small things that make a girl feel so good? Today, talking with my attorney, he interrupts himself and says ~ this has nothing to do with anything but when I talked to John, (His partner I worked with last) I asked him how old he thought you were and he said 34. ~ Then went back to discussing our business. Remember when you were young enough that that would have been insulting? Yeah, me neither.

pepperjones 8 May 30

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"I didn't think that was going to work". You can figure it out. 🙂


I raised my daughters, twins, with no religion, santa, bunny or other nonsense, and honest answers to questions.
We still had fun because "every day is I love you day"
Got a lot of shit from their mother, her family, and others for not playing the Game.
Years later when they'd grown each thanked me :
: "You were the only one who didn't bullshit us. "
That meant a lot to me.


Just yesterday my 4 year old granddaughter told me "You're the best pépère (French Canadian slang for grandpa) ever!" I can't think of anything that can beat that.


I work with learning disabled adults of varying abilities. One of my guys said to me the other day, when we were working on a gardening project, 'I like talking to you 'cos you listen' 🙂

@BearMcClure Thx man 🙂


It's not that small........honest



When someone tells me I'm right.


I had a fairly traumatic marriage. It was hard for all of us. But when both of my daughters, at separate times, said they were so grateful I made them feel loved...I cried. It was all I ever wanted.

@pepperjones They are everything to me!


A couple of people, one a great bass player, complementing my playing and more importantly the band last night at the gig.

@pepperjones lt was nice. His skill set as a bass player is higher than mine is as a drummer.


"I care."

Deb57 Level 8 May 30, 2018

@pepperjones Hugs.

@pepperjones That was the online word which makes feel good


Someone told me "you're the nicest person I'd never want to run in to in a dark alley".
. I responded " if you're in a dark alley, I'm the one guy you better hope you run in to. "


"You're so beautiful."


No one says anything nice to me.

@pepperjones awww, thank you. See above for my answer to your post.

but hes miserable no body is nice to him lol @MARDUK

@BearMcClure I'll take it! Thank for saying something nice. ?


That i have a knack of being able to explain complex ideas using easy to grasp ideas and metaphors. 🙂

p.s https:// i vaguely remember 34 also hahaha

@pepperjones lol i am not sure how that https:/ ended up in there hahaha


I appreciate you! That's a very good thing to hear and to say.


You could easily pass for 34, Pepper!

@pepperjones 🙂


You just saved my ass


You look like you are in you 40's


wow you are good at that


'Thanks for sticking up for us, Bossman' from some of my guys on a job where the architect decided to play high and mighty with them when they said what he wanted couldn't be built from his drawings. I found out and tore him into little pieces, probably should have fired him but it was late in the job and too late to switch horses. Nobody messes with my people but me and only if they have earned it. The drawings were a mess and the architect was too arrogant to know it, my men were only trying to offer a practical solution to the problem the architect created through his incompetence.


Thank You!


I was told recently that I am cute ..... that doesn't happen to me every day !!!!!!!!!! ( I should've capture that moment and have it framed forever !! )


"It's not that small!"

@pepperjones Better a nice surprise than a disappointment!


Not that I have to go that far. I am 64, you reminded me of being in 6th or 7th grade buying something in Woolsworth and cashier asking me something and I spoke, she said "my goodness you already have the voice of a man!" I think after that I never watched a cartoon or read a comix again. That much of an effect.

@pepperjones he, he, he.... it was different era the 60's, today everybody but me read comix. I think I took it as a cue of where should I be heading and work out fine. jr high girls liked my voice. My son went beyond, not only the deep loud voice but was over 6' tall at 14. I did something for him at that moment, he was visiting me at DC from Florida (what divorce do). I sent him a couple of days to hangout with my then pro dancer GF teaching group classes and there he was at 14 taking partnered dance lessons with young ladies at their 20's. As soon he got discharged from the Air Force he started taking dance lessons, today he is a featured dancer in a dance company in Las Vegas. My pride and joy.


"For a small person, you are deceptively strong," a man said at the gym. Apparently he was watching me lift weights.

"I treasure our friendship," my friend, Billie (a woman) said today.


You are ok the way you are, no need to change.


Early eighties I worked as a rape crisis counselor volunteer for about a year or so. About ten/twelve years later, a young woman approached me in a pharmacy and asked "You probably don't remember me. You're Robert?" Answered yes, still trying to make a mental connection. At that point she told me her name and reminded me of the connection, thanking me in possibly the most warm, touching way I've ever experienced. We hugged for a moment and she was on her way. Small things. Short cherished moments.

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