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Casual relationship

A casual relationship where both parties are expected to be monogamous. What would you call that??

ashortbeauty 8 May 31

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Is it a new relationship or have they been together for awhile?

For a while

@ashortbeauty if they both are happy in the situation. Then it doesn’t really matter.

@Neeooo420 one's questioning and not completely contento

@ashortbeauty Maybe it's time to get out?

@Neeooo420 possibly

@ashortbeauty It’s tough to just walk away from a relationship though. If you’re in love. That old heart won’t allow you to give up so easily lol.

@Neeooo420 it can be, yes


I would call that a temporary position which will either evolve into a committed relationship or end/become un-monogamous in time.

It's a 'lets give this a go and see where we wind up' position, but not stable in its current form.

True on the not stable part. I think that's what bugs me. I'm a yes or no person

@ashortbeauty I could, of course, crack an inappropriate joke about stable relationships and girls who love horses - but I won't ... ?

@ToakReon dork

@ToakReon praise gawd!

Hmm ... Was that joke offensive ...?

@ToakReon I am going to jump in here and say that I don't know the joke (not sure I want to 😕) but I am impressed that you at least asked. Just sayin.


Not really that casual. But also, kinda awesome. Like go away, I only want to see you once or twice a month, but when I do, we have mindblowing sex, great conversation, and then go back to our lives, while neither of us is out getting STDs to pass on to the other next time. I could do that.

I love this!

@Freespirit64 I tried this once with a guy, only I didn't even care if he had sex as long as he used protection. You'd think he'd love it right? Nope. Wanted more. I didn't. Bummer.

Well alrighty... that's what my HR lady told me she wanted. Just don't stare at her at work...

@BucketlistBob I'm literally laughing out loud. I never use LOL but like I AM. Don't stare at her at work!!!! I'm wondering. Cuz somebody might notice, or cuz SHE might notice and get all flustery and ...

@Jenmcjen thank you for laughing. That's what I wanted you to do. You know I'm just kidding though. Our rules at work were serious. Sexual harrassment was 6 tests and 6 hours of lectures. You had to get 100% to pass. Hmmm.... I really know some stuff when it comes to managing employees and keeping a stress free environment at work. I said this because the HR lady got drunk at a Christmas party and she cut loose. We found her passed out on the floor. She danced with a lot of hourly employees and some got way to close and she kept going like it was nothing. I guess she let her wild side of her come out to play. Whew! I mostly observed in fear for both her and them. But you know... people do get silly and have fun. I have bartender at parties. And got bumped in the butt many times. It felt like a grab though. You got to ask yourself that important question... whose going to tell on you if you start getting


Exclusive companionship is what I had for almost 2 years.

And how did it end? You leaving or her?

@ashortbeauty She left because I broke the rules of falling in love with her. WTF

@TheLiberalGent gotcha


I would call it my kind of relationship. That has been what most of my relationships have been, what I prefer and still look for to this day.

I'm hearing that from a lot of males...

@ashortbeauty If you read my profile you will see that I stated my position right up front for all to see.

@jlynn37 I know

@ashortbeauty Thank you.


Not my cup of tea. But I don't do monogamy or casual. To each their own.

I am monogamous but not usually casual. That's the part that's throwing me

@ashortbeauty I agree! “Casual” sounds like either one of you can replace the other at a whim!

@ashortbeauty it's certainly a strange phrase.


It sounds like it's not casual.

That's my thought but he Just used those words last night

@ashortbeauty I don't consider a monogamous relationship to be casual. To me, casual would be "just dating," or being in a more open relationship where you are both free to see other people. Not advocating for or against. That's just what I think.

@IAMGROOT what you think is what I was looking for. Ty


Being exclusive does not mean a committed relationship. You are not sleeping with other people.

For three years, I jokingly called a man "my f-ck buddy." Neither of us were sleeping with anyone else. To my surprise, he asked me to marry him. Although he was an extraordinary lover, I don't consider him marriage material.


I have never had one of those! I have the other kind, the "no fuck buddy!" We can do anything but have an intimate relationship: dinner, movie, hike, conversation, but don't touch.


Surely that’s a contradiction? If the relationship requires monogamy then it is not, by definition, casual. Sounds like one party wants to have their cake and eat it.

I think you can be casual but committed. Casual to me just means not making serious future plans and not being too upset when a busy schedule means you may not see each other for a while. Just enjoying the time you have together when you have it without focusing on what's next.

Love your username, btw

@ghost_warlock then you're dating


Does it need a title so long as both parties understand it?

I think one party doesn't quite understand it


Clear communication is the answer. Easier said than done however.


Not too casual .

So just a tad beyond casual?

@ashortbeauty I think so.


A really good idea if that's what you both want and agreed on.

And if not what both want?

@ashortbeauty Compromise if can. If you've reached an impasse where one is saying I have to have this and the other is saying I can't do it then that's an answer too.


Nothing based in reality.

My thoughts

We finally find a disagreement. Everything based in reality. IMHO


Marriage is unatural. I researched years ago about it as a Reproductive Health Educator out of Chicago, my first occupation out of College. I recall that a judge and an attorney came up with this thing called marriage all in the name of $$$. They knew that the average couple would remain together for only a few years and part ways. Think about it; to to go hire a stranger , a lawyer and pay big money to part ways in front of another stranger called a judge, is big BUSINESS! When I speak of unatural, it’s something man made. Marriage doesn’t grow on trees or originate from seeds. What’s natural? Examples are: sex, eating, bowel moment, speaking, breathing, emotions, walking, seeing, etc. What are your thoughts about humans being monogamous or polygamous; marriage being natural or unnatural?
RawLuv ❤️

What does any of that have to do with the question?

It isn't relevant to the question, but every culture that's been found by anthropologists has some form of marriage. It's often not monogamous and may be polyandrous or polygamous, but there's a ceremony and recognition by the rest of the group


A monogamous casual relationship?

I meant a different way to think of it


I'd call it an "understanding" and the expectations and rules should be understood, agreed to and honored by both parties. It can be secret or public, but honesty between the parties is imperative.


A relationship? I guess I don't understand the differences of relationships. If you're together and monogamous then you're in a monogamous relationship. Why is it any different than a committed monogamous relationship?

It will forever be in this spot -no more no less


BTW you look identical to my cousin Nikki and every time I see you post I go 'hey when did Nikki join and she's married and catholic.......waiiiit"



Shall we try together first

IAS1 Level 5 May 31, 2018

Your profile sounds ideal


Well the last time I did that was 13 yrs ago..
And I have been married for 13 yrs.



I'd say not entirely casual. If there are specific expectations, that's different than casual. That's an opinion.

Ty for your opinion


How casual is anything that has expectations of exclusivity? Christian Dating?

Good point


I would call it non-committal. If you’re cool with that, so be it. If you’re not, time to move on.

I hear ya


A relationship. Every relationship should be discussed and you should both have an understanding of the expectations and be able to agree on them. If you don't, it's not a relationship yet, just a negotiation.


From years of experience I'd call it marriage.

Ya think? Cause I don't recall seeing no judge lol

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