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As Agnostic, are you more inclined to believe in higher power (of any kind) or more inclined to deny it?

I think of myself as neutral. But sometimes I feel I am more inclined to find it very probable that there is higher power, so I just wanted to see if this is common or not.

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Ammar1992 4 Dec 23

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I believe what I see and not what I presume or imagine


To be honest, I'm more inclined to "believe" in a "higher power" than deny it. That doesn't mean I'm talking about "God," but only that there is a part of me that has access to the resources I currently don't understand. There is a potential that exists within me that "transcends" me, which probably comes from the me that really knows me.

that makes sense to me...


Hard to say... If by higher power you mean "creative energy", then I might lean towards an inclination to believe in such a thing. I don't think things like the formation of DNA is <i>just</i> random. But neither do I believe it to be the result of any kind of entity waving a magic wand.

It's exact this thing that makes me, as opposed to the majority of agnostic form what I see in the poll, more inclined to believe


The ONLY reason I call myself agnostic is because i hold to my non-belief the same way I hold to my understanding of science.

For example, it was once believed that if a body were in space without a space suit, one would explode. In truth, your body would inflate slightly, but you wouldn't explode. You'd die from lack of oxygen, but that's about it.

To be agnostic is to remain at least scientifically open enough to accept tangible evidence of an afterlife, a great creator, and all that stuff. But the evidence has to be pretty fucking tangible.

2 does not matter to me one way or another....I like to think that me and my actions and behavior is what matters on the day to day thing called living.


I don't necessarily believe in anything, only that a God could exist. I believe in the possibility of God, not the fact of God.
We know that Dark Matter exists but what Dark Matter is we don't know. Therefore, I could argue that Dark Matter is chocolate pudding and since there is no evidence at all, that argument would be valid. I have no knowledge of the true nature of Dark Matter, so everything about it is a belief.
People forget there is a difference between knowledge and belief.

You can not base belief on knowledge. You can only believe in something you don't know. Once you know a thing it can't be believed anymore. People used to believe in Jupiter. Jupiter was a being in the sky who had powers to affect life on Earth. Now, we have been to Jupiter and examined it and have knowledge of it. No one believes in Jupiter anymore. It's unfair to insist that belief should be based on knowledge. Only unknown things can be believed in.


I'm probably closer to being atheist than agnostic. I'm not intelligent enough to say with any degree of certainty that there is no such thing as a God. If God were to exist I don't think he gives a damn what we do with our lives. Religion is a construct by self appointed authorities to control people and to be successful it relies on our innate fear of the unknown.


I am agnostic only as I can not to claim that I know what I do not know. If God by definition can not be perceived by man, I can not claim to know he does not exist. This being said I am certain with all knowledge and experience that I have that God does not exist, thus it is more proper to call me an atheist. I do not wonder if there might be a magic unicorn living in my butt, I am an magic butt unicorn atheist. If by definition I can not know the magic unicorn is living in my butt then I am a magic butt unicorn agnostic. The problem here is there are two distinctive meanings of agnostic we are dealing with here.

I did not attempt to answer the definition of God, that was not the question. The question was concerning Agnosticism. In order to reply to that question the definitions commonly used must first be understood. Then I could answer the question of my understanding of the term Agnostic. The definition of God is sometimes used by theist to mean a being that can not be comprehend. That was important to the understanding of how the term Agnostic is used.

Both the believer and the atheist make statements which are unfair. The believer says, " I know God exists". The atheist says, " I know God does not exist ". Both are wrong. It can not be known if God exists one way or another. It's perfectly permissible to say, " I believe God exists, though I can never know it ". This problem comes from people ( on both sides ) trying to twist words to manipulate and control others.

Cannot agree more

I do not say I "know God does not exist". That is a knowledge statement. I can not know what I by definition can not know. What I do say is that I am certain God does not exist. The difference is that by being certain I mean that there is no evidence to to support Gods existence, and that with all my knowledge and experience I am completely confident there is no God.


I have recently discovered that the higher power is my conscientious, listening to the voice inside that gives me the ability to make positive changes within and for myself. Sometimes finding those eureka moments in unlikely places makes it interesting but still very valid.

Betty Level 8 Dec 23, 2017


I believe so. The "higher power" is within yourself. Think of it this way. The first three steps in any 12 step program are admitting you have a problem and have lost control, once accepted then you do the work to solve the problem. This allows you to be open to possible solutions and listening to your conscientiousness. It is the power within yourself to make a change, that is your "higher power". 🙂


I'd have to say that I'm pretty neutral. I'd be willing to accept any evidence of a higher power but, so far, I've seen none.

Duke Level 8 Dec 23, 2017

what about the Annunaki ? - Mosul, Mesopotamia - Google it...

@Beelzebub It's nothing but conjecture based on myth and stories from the bible. If I believed any of that, why wouldn't I believe the rest of the bible?

It's nothing from the bible, try googling "sumerian planets tablet" which shows that one of the world's earliest civilizations (now extinct?) knew as much about the universe as we do now... !


I can neither believe or deny something that does not exist, both are an exercise in futility.


I used a group for my higher power. That lasted 2 months. Then I stayed away from higher power questions in that group.


It really depends upon your definition of a higher power. If we’re talking about demigods or gods, I’d say no. If we’re talking about advanced aliens, I’d say yes. Of course, I do, actually, believe in higher degree polynomial functions.


I have been given no reason to believe in a higher power, so I have no reason to believe in one. Sure, no one can prove that one doesn't exist, but right now, the evidence points to the idea that the universe works just fine without one.


What does 'higher power' even mean? Compared to a glacier I don't have much impact.


I don't understand what you mean. An agnostic what? What is a higher power?

Are you an agnostic atheist or an agnostic theist?

That is almost the question
Are you an agnostic atheist or agnostic theist?


The word deny makes it sound like there has ever been a cogent argument for a higher power.


God? life after death? reincarnation? higher being?
I seriously doubt it, but I don't know = my being agnostic

Along with the vast majority of things that I don't know about, there is this little niggle that goes on with quantum physics. This science is so far a field from anything I know, understand, or even conceive. And yet if I believe science (I do) then there I things that do exist that I do not understand. This can be true of almost anything that is beyond finite five senses. I believe there are things that are real and yet I don't understand. This being said, I have to go on what I can understand. Hence God? I don't know, but I doubt it seriously.


I tend to believe that the "higher power" is that which is in me. I can choose to follow either a positive poser or a negative one. I do not act in order to please any "higher power". I am responsible for my actions.


More inclined to deny it

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