13 3

How many people have you blocked?

No need to discuss why you blocked though that would be an interesting conversation in and of itself.

I'm just curious to see what the average number of blocks per member might look like.

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TheMiddleWay 8 June 5

Enjoy being online again!

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I've blocked three


Interesting....there seem to be more than a few genuinely GRUMPY people here today! I'm surprised. If you don't like the topic.....don't respond. Easy?



Tejas Level 8 June 5, 2018

None no matter how bad


I only block someone if I feel I'm being harassed. To that end, I've only blocked a handful of people in my social media career. I find it interesting, though, that more blocking goes on on this site than on Facebook. Makes me wonder what's going on.

There have been issues with members stalking and harrasing other members. This makes middleways' attitude about member privacy and rights to block other users doubly troubling. He either doesn't know or care that some members safety has been threatened and doesnt begin to understand the concept of boundaries.


In anycase, zero for me. I have no idea if anyone has blocked me. I don’t pay attention.

skado Level 9 June 5, 2018

Zero, I just ignore the haters.


Don't need to. just ignore them !


I've only blocked scammers, however a few guys have blocked me because we got too close and things went south.


My vote registered. I am actually not sure if i still have that goober blocked. Wait... i have zero, too! I remember I only blocked until admin could address the crazy man, but once i knew I wasn't his only victim, I understood he HAD to tow the line, else... DISMEMBER(ment)! hahah!

I then unblocked that shitstick.

So... my hero zero! I cannot change my vote. booeth hooeth...

Sadoi Level 7 June 5, 2018

STOP making new posts on the same damn subject or next to be blocked will be YOU!!

And I didn't vote cause it's none of your god Damned business

I second that motion. Sheesh!!

@TheMiddleWay who else is remotely interested in your overly publicized idea??
Please list them for me
Besides, you came @blindbird I don't block you until I'm done standing by her side

@TheMiddleWay haha I see you are still making friends...?

Its okay. I am just a Jap. A Frenchie Jap, if thats what you are Still in hot water over. haha!!

@TheMiddleWay Well... thats not true. I am interested...

@TheMiddleWay, @ashortbeauty Uhh... slowly raises hand This non-white lady is actually interested... as a Minority... I Am interested, actually.

@TheMiddleWay bwaahahaha!! Its like... almost comical at this point. I envision you walking down the street with this... pack of banshee's chasing behind you, "WHY DO YOU NEED TO KNOW MY ETHNIC BACKGROOOUND?!! Are you collecting Intel for the ALIENS? Are you sending them messages stating 'only abduct the ones who refer to themselves as Human' because we KNOW YOU ARE!! And...are you saying to our WHITE Brothers and Sisters that they are Wrong to say there IS NO problem because in Their White Eyes they SEE No Problem??!"

And when it is a person of colour defending said right to badger you instead, does that grant it more Clout that a Non-White person is saying, its okay to go INSAAANE when a man of colour, our of curiosity, asks a question that the whites feel only sheds more light on a "race issue" that does Not Exist... because...?? They've NEVER actually Felt it...maybe? But a BROWN person Said its Okay to put your white head into a hole like a 'pink flesh toned' ostrich and claim "lets ALL just call one another HUMAN because to say Otherwise is to say Ethnicity Matters an if it DOESNT MATTER to a white face whose NEVER FELT it, then HOW DARE a Yellow/Red/Brown/Black person state OTHERWISE?"

Hell, in THAT case, lets just Tear a Fellow Minority a NEW ASSHOLE because he/she Might Wonder how ethnic individuals are represented... and why would he/she dare to do that...? Maybe because He/She IS a person of Colour and has lived a TOTALLY DIFFERENT life with Totally DIfferent EXPERIENCS As a person of colour.

People look at me in this day and age and say, "oh you are Asian! Everyone LOVES asians!"

Yeah? Try growing up Asian in the 70s and 80s Fresh out the gate of Korea, Pearl Harbor, Viet Nam then TELL ME Asians Do Not understand racism... that Asian's have it easy. We were just BETTER at putting our Heads Down and assimilating. We were HARD workers who know how to bite our Tongues but... Biting Your Tongue does Not Equate to "Freedom." All it showed was that we Knew how to blend and we knew how to Never Look anyone in the eye.

Well... these days... I look every mo-fo in the eye. And i did even then. My cousins held their heads down... meanwhile i decided My Way To Blend In was to get 3 foot Liberty Spikes in green, blue and purple and by piercing and tattoo my body and... going androgynous. That goes to show what I Thought about the Stares and the racial slurs, sexist slurs, etc etc. Rather than blend, i went the opposite and why...? Because it WASNT OKAY to silence my family All those Years an if Anyone got a fucking free ticket to speak up just due to the time and generation i was born in to, then So Be It. I Took that opportunity and I ran with it! Anything short of death befalling me for my opinion did not cause me one iota of discouragement. Try to hide or silence me. Good f'ing luck! hahah

Anyway... yeah... sooo kinda like ANY OF THOSE EXAMPLES I LISTED ABOVE?


I voted zero, got an error and the vote-result display disappeared.

me too.


Same here.

@skado Me, too!

@TheMiddleWay Same: voted "zero", error,

  • poof * poll gone
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