8 16

Spending the day at my Mom's. This is Munchie's sister, Mugsy. His other sister is here too, but she's hiding. She doesn't like company. 😂

Kynlei 8 Sep 26
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Very relaxed kitty.

Spudgun Level 7 Oct 1, 2020

Just curious, do the sibling cats get along after being separated for a while?

I just had this theory that if you are going tohave multiple cats tht siblings would get along better.

snytiger6 Level 9 Sep 27, 2020

I don't know if they'd recognize each other or not. I know my girls, who aren't related, got angry after one spent the day at the vet. I assume she smelled different. It would be interesting to see, but it's a 40 mile trip and Munchie doesn't do well in the car.


Beautiful 😍

Ladydiana Level 7 Sep 27, 2020

A cutie. Enjoy your visit with Mom! Mom’s are special.


There I got a picture of his other sister, Charlie. Eh, sort of.

Kynlei Level 8 Sep 26, 2020

Aw, she's so purrtee.


The nice and bad thing about ferals is except for one they all hide when I come out. Mama just demands to be fed and petted, unless someone else is around, then she too makes like a tree and leaves.

glennlab Level 10 Sep 26, 2020

My kitties hide when strangers come over. They come out if they know it is safe. So far the only safe ones are the grand children (after their parents leave) and my middle daughter who now visits almost weekly bringing my groceries over.

Little Charlie has always hidden from people. I'll be her friend one day!

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