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So... who else here has cats that can only eat with human company present? My cats are almost always on strict diets driven by medical conditions, and so they must be fed separately. One is eating in the basement due to his fear of (current) thunder. The other two (includes the newest!) apparently can only eat if next to me. Strange.

Zster 8 Mar 27
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One of mine looks around snd then makes eye contact as an agreement I’ll wait with him while he eats.

Sydland Level 7 Mar 30, 2021

We had a cat like that, who would actually come to get somebody to sit next to her so she could eat.

Now of our current cats, only one has a preference for peopel to be nearby, but he will eat by himself if he cazn't get anybody to watch.

snytiger6 Level 9 Mar 28, 2021

Several of mine are that way. I wonder if observing the first taught the other two...


Wet food in the morning, treats at night, dry food out all the time.

Susieq Level 7 Mar 27, 2021

Zippy won't eat until I go downstairs to the kitchen and pretend to give him some more food in his bowl. I have to stick around while he eats or he'll stop and come upstairs with me.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Mar 27, 2021

Makes no difference with mine, they eat when they want to whether I stay or leave after dishing out. Sometimes they eat as soon as I serve, & other times they'll eat later on.


Feels vulnerable.

Mooolah Level 8 Mar 27, 2021

I guess, either that or just plain lonely.

@Zster My cats have their own table. They like to be up high especially when they are concentrating on eating. They will then stop & listen, look around. Then eat some more. As if their senses are over ridden by the act of eating. I love observing them.

@Mooolah That makes sense. It’s how mine act: wary. They sometimes dine on the counter,

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