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We often leave bedroom doors ajar, so the cats can enter with no problem. However, then there is Iris, AKA the fluffy cat. She will get upset if the door isn't open enough for her to enter a room without touching the door or the edge of the doorway. The other cats would just push the door open. Iris makes this sad mournful meow, as it the door not being open an inch more just ruined her day.

Of course we hear her and open the door that extra inch for her.

snytiger6 9 Mar 12
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It's very nice to make sure Iris can make her demands heard, even if you are asleep. You are good subjects.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Mar 12, 2022

We never close doors, with the exception of the guest room, unless we have company. We keep the guest room closed to simply make for less cleaning, when it's time for one of the kids to visit. The bedroom door is pushed to, just enough to let the cats come through.


I live alone and mostly keep all the door open, always. Except the sewing room, there is too much that the cats should not get into in there. One cat eats thread... And plants. I close the door to the guest bedroom/home office only when the grands are here, as the work computer is in there. Thursday evening while the grands were here one of the cats was shut in there, which was OK. She wasn't going to come out while grands and their parents were here anyway. I've always kept the doors open while I'm sleeping.

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