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I don’t know. They aren’t totally lazy. Mine get up about every 8 hours and run frenziedly around for about three minutes. Then they fall into a sleep so hard, they snore.

Killtheskyfairy 9 Mar 19
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Regarding my sleeping habits, I have often been told I must have been a cat in my previous life. I take it as a compliment...


Cats don't see well when it is really bright to totally dark. So they're programmed to sleep when sun is high and when there is no sun. The term for that is are crepuscular, which means that they are most active at dawn and dusk. Sometimes house cats will adjust away from that. I notice my cats sleep near me while I WFH, they are more active when I'm getting ready to go to work and after I'm home. I have no idea what they do at night, sometimes they do sleep with me.

I had no idea about crepuscular - cool! Mine liked being around me as well, so they adjusted their schedule to my days and nights.

@Lauren I'm a nerd and I love uncommon words.

@HippieChick58 What an excellent way to be! 😊

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