6 17

Yup, been there, done that and caught Bailey fleeing with my pork chop. Her face also showed she had no regrets

Appleriver 8 Aug 4
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It was a pork chop! What did you expect?


We're lucky.....Kiri nor Purrin have any interest in people food.


They never would regret it, esp. if they stole their owner's fish.


Many years ago, my sister's cat Tabby, which was a very small two pound cat, was eating something in a corner in the living room. It turned out my niece, Melissa, hadn't put away the shish-kabob, and tabby grabbed one off the counter and was feasting . I found it funny because it seemed to be as long as she was.

She was very disappointed when i took it away. After all she stalked it on the counter, pounced on it and carried it off just like a good hunter.

Luckily none of the current cats are so bold or have the same sense of entitlement.

Tabby was very cute and looked like perpetual kitten, because of her small size. However, she ruled the other cats and the dog too. That entire group of animals passed. We saw no need to replace the dog as he belonged to my father who had also passed. So, we are now a cats only home.

snytiger6 Level 9 Aug 4, 2022

See, that was your first mistake...thinking you were somehow an "owner"...

phxbillcee Level 10 Aug 4, 2022

too true, more like they own me


Bailey barred from the synagogue now?

I used to avoid the problem by feeding my cat every day - & she always had a bowl of kibble available.

nope not barred. The cats eat better than I do lol They have dry food always available, a can of moist food once a day and when I order out I get them their own dinner. Spoiled kitties, very spoiled

@Appleriver I used to travel 60 klms to buy organic turkey giblets then spend hours cleaning the poo out of them & chopping up into cat sized cubes. Good meat though.

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