3 10

I'm going to have to get a whole set of these if the feral stays around very long.

glennlab 10 Aug 5
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Go back to basics - raw or dried food from animals smaller than the cat.


My cat, Zippy, will not eat anything but plain dry food. He won't eat any gourmet snack from a pouch or top of the line wet food in a can. I've tried most of them.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Aug 5, 2022

Dried chicken jerky is easy to produce and dried anchovy type fish so cheap as not worth the time to dry yourself.

@FrayedBear . I've tried many different approaches, including several kinds of human foods. Nothing but dry food attracts Zippy. He does like the more expensive dry food like Iams.

@OldGoat43 what is "lams"?

Well if he ever deserts & goes feral the wild life needn't worry - he'll soon starve to death. Not.

@FrayedBear . Not to worry. He refuses to leave the house. When I leave the door open to pick up my deliveries or mail, he stops at the threshold and never takes a step over it. He knows which side of his bread is buttered.


My cats like most treats....until I tried them on could almost hear the yuck, bleh, ptooey.....

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