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LINK Owner Comes Home To Find Cat Sharing Vivarium With Lizard: 'Best Friends' -- Newsweek

The moment a man returned home to find his cat and lizard hanging out together in the vivarium has left the internet in stitches.

With 3.2 million views, the video of the gray cat sitting inside the lizard enclosure underneath a heat lamp has gone viral.

"What I come home to..." said TikToker austenvinnyvaldiv alongside the video of the cat and bearded dragon, before adding the hashtag "#bestfriends."

Lauren Hewitt-Watts, committee member of British organization the APBC (Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors), told Newsweek: "With a five second TikTok clip it is very hard to get the full picture of what is going on. From a glimpse, the cat looks relaxed and the Bearded Dragon doesn't have much choice in the matter.

"The reptile does not appear to be showing overtly aggressive or defensive behaviors. The cat is likely seeking warmth from the tank and has chosen this as a suitable relaxation place—those of us working on warm laptops might also see the same behavior," she added.

While a cat and bearded dragon may not be the most likely of friends, Hewitt-Watts agreed that it seemed these animals were fairly comfortable with each other.

They're not the only pets to form an unlikely friendship. Last year, a rabbit and dog melted hearts with their close bond, while earlier this year a dog and chicken were dubbed the internet's "new favorite couple."

In the video, the laid-back cat and his bearded dragon friend sit under the heated light looking pretty pleased with life.

TikTok users shared their reactions to the unusual scene in thousands of comments, delighted by the pets connection.

"The bearded dragon looking at you like, 'that wasn't my idea,'" said one commenter. While another wrote: "Just a bearded dragon and his pet cat."

"Oh how cute. They are like best friends. The lizard doesn't even care," said one viewer.

Another joked: "What!! Just a bearded dragon having his friend over."

"It's likely that the animals are part of the same household, so are familiar with one another, and are therefore used to each other's presence, scent, and movements. Perhaps the owners gets the bearded dragon out regularly when the cat is also present," said Hewitt-Watts. But she explained that she would not usually recommend putting these two animals together.

"I would not recommend this to other reptile and cat owners as there is always the danger that they could injure each other—especially in such a confined space—feel very stressed by the situation, or catch an illness or parasite from one another," she explained.

snytiger6 9 June 20
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Maybe we are reading too much into this. Animals are aware when they live in the same household and my family years ago had a cat and dog who would protect each other. I think this is more of an understood territorial thing than anything else.

DenoPenno Level 9 June 21, 2023

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