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I adopted my calico cat,Nala, about 18 months ago. She is spayed, but continues to become in-heat every month. I contacted the vet who spayed her & he insists everything was removed during the spaying. Has anyone else ran into this problem? My main concern is that when she is in-heat she tends to vomit her food a lot, so I have to give her canned food and only a little at a time when she's that way. She is about 3 years old now. Any advice or suggestions will be much appreciated.

Ray13 8 June 9
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She is lovely....wish I could help.

IAmLove Level 7 June 10, 2018

Get a second opinion. Remember, half of all vets graduated in the bottom 50% of their class. Goes for MDs too. She is a beautiful cat!


Here's the information from online:
Usually what we have is that there is some ovarian tissue outside the ovary itself, somewhere in the abdomen, that's not easily seen, that is still functioning ovarian tissue making the hormones and so the cat can come into heat, even after she's had her spay surgery. This is pretty rare but it can happen.Jul 22, 2011
Full article:

RavenCT Level 9 June 9, 2018

@Ray13 Hope she's feeling better soon!
And you're very welcome.


I have heard of this - if they leave tissue behind apparently this can happen.

You need to see a second Vet. One who has heard of this problem.

Poor kitty.

RavenCT Level 9 June 9, 2018

I've never heard of that.
I'd probably get a second vet's opinion.

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