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Has anyone ever tried this with their Kitty? If so did they like it LOL

Sheannutt 9 July 10
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Mine can't stand loud noises . They'd never stay around long enough to even try it .

Cast1es Level 9 July 31, 2018

Mine would run and hide!


My cats stay away from the big vacs, but they challenge the Robovac from time to time. I think one of them stopped it the other day, if they hit the right spot on top they could turn it off. But nope, no one is going to let me suck the fur off of them.


Some cats like a vacuum some don't.


I have always had cats, none liked the vacuum or even my duster.

@Sheannutt I've had cats all my life...some may tolerate the vacuum at a good distance, but others run & hide. As for the duster, it has no motor sounds but they still don't like it.


Not a one, in all my years having cats!

Hathacat Level 9 July 10, 2018

My remaining 4 disappear when I get the vacuum out.


You can't find ours when the vacuum appears.

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