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My sweet trio — two brothers, and their orange buddy who used be feral (thus the docked ear)

Kodij 5 Sep 23
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kmdskit3 Level 8 Sep 24, 2018

I love that. 3 of the 4 cats in our house were street cats. Just recently we acquired another. He started hanging out in the yard and eventually used the dog door to come inside to eat. One day I saw a woman looking around my street. She was looking for a cat. Turns out it was our new visitor. She took him home and the next day he was back, sleeping on the washer. The woman came back to see if he was ok. Now he's our newest cat


Beautiful creatures, probably great to sleep with, cuddle buddies.

Yes and no — they don’t do well with me and my restless legs!

@Kodij I have restless leg syndrome, it just means they have to sleep by my head or against my back. I try to watch out for them.

@dalefvictor Mine aren’t interested — they want to be against the legs, and I’m not kicking them or anything — but I just can’t keep my legs in the position they want. Oh well.


They look quite comfy and happy.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Sep 23, 2018

Nice bundle!

Booklover Level 7 Sep 23, 2018

Three sweet faces! And fur to go with every outfit!

Hathacat Level 9 Sep 23, 2018

And I promise, I get fur on every single outfit!!!


Aww, they are adorable.


Ginger is tolerated but blood is thicker than simple species origin?

FrayedBear Level 9 Sep 23, 2018

Actually, Ginger (aka Jasper) often snuggles with Xandi, the kitty with his head furthest to the left. Xandi snuggles with both Jasper and Addie, more than Addie and Jasper snuggle together.


Did the ginger just show up looking for a place to call home?

We actually saw him first, hanging around the house, wild as wild could be. But we had a couple of other feral cats we were feeding, so he slowly joined them. Had another kitty at the time that didn’t tolerate others well. She got sick and I had to put her down. The day I found out, I left work to find the center-most kitty, less than 8 weeks old, hiding under my car. His mom was feral at work and she had three kittens. I coaxed him to me, and he was immediately receptive when I touched him, so I brought him home. I had seen his brother hiding under another car, but he was way too wild. The next day, my mom and I decided to go back and try to get him (his sister was WAY too wild) — almost gave up, but finally got him. Since they were so little, both tamed easily. Jasper had been a little older and way too wild, but he got tamer as we fed him. We caught him and got him fixed, but he just wanted to get away, not have a home.

A couple of years later, we had an incredibly cold winter, and he was just shivering while getting food, so we scooped him up and brought him in. He freaked a bit and hid in the basement, but he would eat the food we left and he used the litter box. We offered him the door a few times, but he just backed away from the cold. Slowly he became more comfortable with us, although his first summer featured weeks of disappearing. We called him our feral house cat. But over the years, he has turned into a total lap cat. We had absolutely no idea what would happen. Guess he found that life inside was kinda nice.

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