9 18

These are my ferals, or former ferals. They are now pampered indoor cats. They are not the cuddly types and a couple can’t even be touched, but as long as they are happy and healthy I’m good with that.

From left to right: Rupert, Morgan, Turtle, Juliette, Breeze, and Colin.

graceylou 8 Oct 12
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Nice job!


It looks like you've done a very good job of getting them to accept you as a member of their group. Wonderful.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Oct 13, 2018

They've been with me 5-6 years now. They're used to all the routines. They have this room, which is THEIR room, and during the day they also get my bedroom until I go to bed. If I let them out in gen pop with my other critters, they would be scared and hide all day long. In these rooms, they can hang out and relax. They feel safe. I'm impressed that they all get along so well having come from different places. They've become their own colony.


awwwww.....that is so sweet.

Lavergne Level 8 Oct 13, 2018

We have been hosts to several feral cats, they come to our door and wee let them in. The want out we let them out, find them to take a while to get used to us but one, Jack is the most polite cat we have. Another had kittens and stayed with us for 17 years along with all the kittens, three Maine Coons, great cats.

Except for Turtle, everyone else came from other properties. Rupert, Colin, and Morgan came from one colony and they got to me from sort of a rescue effort. Juliette and Breeze are sisters and they came from a friend’s property. Turtle is the only one that I trapped on my property myself. She was pregnant and I didn’t want a colony of ferals on my property. All the girls came to me either pregnant or with kittens. They are all fixed now (the boys too). Some of the kittens live here but others have been adopted out.


I just want to curl up in the leopard-print bed in the back and go to sleep with that one. This picture is much too cute.

PolyWolf Level 7 Oct 13, 2018

That bed is somehow squashed down and I couldn’t unsquash it. But they can still get in there.

@graceylou Cat looks slightly hungover, like it crawled in and pulled the thing down over its head and is trying to sleep it off.

@PolyWolf I swear I didn’t give them catnip.


They got the good life now, thanks to you!

Hathacat Level 9 Oct 13, 2018

They have lived here 5-6 years now so this is home to them. The black and white cat, Morgan, is the most people friendly and can be petted just not picked up. Rupert, the grey tabby, after all these years now would let me pet him for a bit. He was originally one of the most fearful. Turtle and Colin sometimes would let you pet them. Juliette and Breeze will not let you touch them. But otherwise they are calm and relaxed and no one wants to run away or escape.


Aww, they are adorable.


Good to see them safe.


Beautiful! They look happy!

SkagwayKim Level 7 Oct 12, 2018
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