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This is one of my grandkitties, her name is Elizabeth. She does not really like people. She tends to claw first and ask questions later. She is improving with me lately. Her human had surgery and has a new baby so I've been helping out at her house quite a bit, and this has allowed Elizabeth and I come to an understanding. You don't draw blood and I will feed you. Lizziebeth will never be a lap kitty, but she is a damn good mouser which is needed in a 100+ year old house.

HippieChick58 9 Oct 14
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She is glorious!

Hathacat Level 9 Oct 15, 2018

She looks like she takes no shit. Ever. From anyone.

SkagwayKim Level 7 Oct 14, 2018

That is her, 100%


Beautiful husky girl. She looks strong.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Oct 14, 2018

Having had feral cats it can take a while before they sit in your lap and appreciate a good hug and belly rubbing. Keep at it.


Not all are lovey dovey, but they are still good to have.


Have you tried petting her belly?

She would draw blood. She has not allowed me to pet her, but I can usually walk past her without her attacking my shoes. She is OK with my daughter, SIL, and the baby. She does not like most visitors. I am more than happy to give her all the time she needs, I'm not going to push the issue.

@HippieChick58 No point. If you did, you'd never get her to come around to you.

@HippieChick58 maybe hold her like a baby

@HippieChick58 Smart lady! Give her all the time in the world.

As long as she has a few humans she's good with and isn't trying to kill you - you are doing great!

I don't know if you ever wear eyeglasses - but if you can hold the ear piece out for her to sniff it - it's a good way for her to get your scent without blooding you. (Or leave a used night shirt where she can get a good sniff of it).

@RavenCT I always wear glasses. We've done all the leaving scent things, there are lots of things over there that smell like me. We don't know her early history, Son In Law got her when she was about 2 and she's about 9 now. Elizabeth and I have a sort of detente. Now with my middle daughter she is horrible! And middle daughter quite wisely gives her a very wide berth. Usually when visitor are over she is shut in a bedroom. Just recently I have been in the house every week day and some weekends due to new baby/daughter's surgery. Daughter has been non weight bearing, you can't carry a baby on crutches/knee scooter.

@HippieChick58 That makes perfect sense.

I have one I got as a kitten - but she had an obviously rough start and it marked her for life. She's great with me and one or two others - and I'm ok with that.

Your daughter is very lucky to have you!

@RavenCT I love being Grammy, and I'm so glad I was able to take the time off to help them out. This is what family should be, IMHO.

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