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This one has been practically and literally attached to me lately. I’ve been suffering from severe feline paralysis.

NOTE: Lynx is my grey tabby Manx. He’s about 8 years old and I’ve had him since he was 8 weeks old. He’s perfectly fine and has never been sick in his life. He just loves to snuggle. He usually sleeps with me.

graceylou 8 Oct 19
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I like this picture of him! I want a cuddle too!

Hathacat Level 9 Oct 19, 2018

What a love!

kmdskit3 Level 8 Oct 19, 2018

Bobby is my orange Manx who just turned eight years. Last month he jumped out of the third floor window and since then he has lost half his body weight and a lot of his fur. He wants to cling to me all the time, climbing up my clothes to be hugged. He's eating twice as much as usual and gaining some weight back this month.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Oct 19, 2018

I have an orange manx too, Vinny. He demands attention too but he doesn't usually snuggle or sleep with me. He usually bugs me when I'm on my laptop.

@graceylou . I thought Bobby hit his head because he's been doing very strange things lately. Like waiting for me to open the fridge and then jumping into it and refusing to come out. When I pull him out he holds onto the food and makes if fall on the floor. He has taken up sleeping in the bathtub too.

@OldGoat43 could have neurological issues. Or anxiety may be too.


I used to have one that way, I used to call him my little Klingon because he always wanted to stick to me, cling on. Lol

Booklover Level 7 Oct 19, 2018

He'd snuggle with anybody. My friends come over and he's been snuggled with them, even if he doesn't know them.

My cat Smokey, who's now passed away, was a stray cat who lived on my property since before I moved here. I just wanted to get him neutered and return him outside but he was too cuddly and he ended up being an indoor cat at my house. He would be on anyone's lap in an instant.

@graceylou my Ollie was the opposite, nobody ever saw him. He would hide under the comforter on the bed because nobidy could see that lump. ? My mom told me once she didnt believe I had four cats. Lol

@Booklover LOL. Sometimes people don't believe I have any cats at all, and I have 15!!!! They would disappear completely when I have guests. A few might come out eventually. Most were feral or strays so I can understand they don't trust strangers.


Poor baby. I hope she is feeling better soon.

Mokvon Level 8 Oct 19, 2018

He’s feeling fine. He just likes to snuggle.


At least its not fatal.

It’s only a benign growth.

@graceylou Not to mention a very pretty one.

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