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Please everyone am I welcome here?

Nanaoppong791 3 Nov 1
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okay i did notice ONE thing. it's not about being welcome but it IS confusing. you say you're an atheist and a believer. an atheist is a nonbeliever so you can't be both. so that gives off a confusing vibe. you may wish to clarify that on your profile!


genessa Level 8 Nov 1, 2018

Sure, let us know some things about you that might make it easier to connect. We all have things in common. Welcome. Have fun.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Nov 1, 2018

I would say we don't know enough about you, to venture any opinion. Fill out a little bio, answer the profile questions, then dive in, this is a fun and accepting community. However since you are a practicing Christian, you should be very aware this is a site for Agnostics, Atheists, and other non-believers.

glennlab Level 10 Nov 1, 2018

oh i thought "here" meant in this group. on the site? we can't determine that.


@genessa I just noticed he was a level 1, so i checked out his profile. Since you had already answered for this group (very well I believe), I thought it would be good to expand to include as much of the site as possible.

@glennlab couldn't hurt!



let me give you a test that we never give anyone and i am not in charge anyway.

  1. do you hate cats? no? you are welcome here.

  2. do you frown when cats do funny stuff? no? you are welcome here.

  3. do you take yourself seriously and never laugh at cat memes? no? you are welcome here.

well, that's MY test anyway! do you pass? you're welcome here!


genessa Level 8 Nov 1, 2018

That’s a fair test! ?

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