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Kitty kat in Belize, he's a rescue at the zoo, but the only thing between him and me is a 4 foot chicken wire fence and an electric hazard.

glennlab 10 Dec 30
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Magnificent creature!!!!


Would want to stretch out an arm and pet him. If I could touch the cat it might be worth the pain of doing it. But then it might just work. Let me keep my fantasy.

I keep saying that I know I’m going to die trying to pet an animal that I shouldn’t...

@SkagwayKim I vounteer at a sanctuary. It is incredibly tempting. I have touched more than I can admit to. AND I KNOW BETTER.

@SkagwayKim If I am going to make the move then I am responsible for it and what happens happens, I would get to pet the cat and feed it to. That is the way it goes.


I'm such a cat nut I'd probably enjoy that? 😉 I sure hope you did!

RavenCT Level 9 Dec 30, 2018

You could tell how dangerous they thought the animals were to humans by the amount of fencing between you and the animal. Toughest fence, the stork, second the crocodile. I could not believe how close you could get.

@glennlab Maybe it was the other way around. The toughest fences were around the animals that could be most damaged by humans!

@phxbillcee That stork had already taken a few fingers off before they put him behind hardware cloth

@glennlab Wow! Point taken! It looked like a little worm to him!

@glennlab Yeah, even geese are nasty birds! Bad tempered many of them!

@phxbillcee I was chased by a goose as a toddler the image is seared in my memory! Glad I outgrew the buggers.


So beautiful.

Hathacat Level 9 Dec 30, 2018

Here kitty, kitty, kitty. Let me scratch your ears. Beautiful!!

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