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Road trips

SeaGreenEyez 9 Jan 31
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Worst cat trip ever. We were planning to move to Texas on discharge from the Air Force, our cat had never been in the car, so to prep her we decided to take some short trips with her. First trip was 15 miles, we wrapped her in a towel so my ex could hold her and not get scratched. We were about about 5 miles in, my ex said she had settled down, then made a comment about a warm lap. when we got home, the cat had made her lap warm by peeing, and was traumatized for hours. we decided to find her a new home rather than put her through a 2500 mile trauma.

glennlab Level 10 Jan 31, 2019

When I had my Little Girl, she went with me across country from Nevada to Texas to Michigan and then back. Each day as I began to drive she would in no uncertain terms remind me that she wasn't pleased with this road trip. Once she spoke her mind, she was quiet the rest of the day. Considering how long we were in the car each day and the length of the trip. She was a trooper. ?

BeeHappy Level 9 Jan 31, 2019

my cat was like that. he always hopped into my car and then hid under the dash or under my feet the whole time lol I miss him. he passed last year ?


I have met a few cats that liked them. It always feels so wrong when that happens, lol.

Hathacat Level 9 Jan 31, 2019
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