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My boy is at the vet getting the snip today. I miss him.

Kynlei 8 Mar 12
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Aww, I hope he recovers quickly.

He is such a photogenic little guy.


Took all six when they were still tiny , and hopefully they won't remember it .

Cast1es Level 9 Mar 12, 2019

We dropped off our two rambunctious foster dogs in for their neuter early this morning. It was a bit of a circus getting them loaded in the truck and checked in at the vet hospital and it will be another circus getting them home. But it would be so worth it not having two big intact boys anymore.

Good luck with your boy but he probably won’t even need it. It’s usually much easier for boys.

graceylou Level 8 Mar 12, 2019

Good, & the healing is usually quick.


My girl went in last week. She's doing fine! (Still not pleased with me over the trip & the collar she wore for a spell!)

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 12, 2019

They recover so fast at that age.

I remember bringing Heath home from his surgery and Willow giving him quite the sniffing. He smelled funny (I imagine the anesthetic makes them smell just awful to the other cats?).

She was nice to him anyway though. And he was back to shenanigans in a few days. In fact I worried he was so active. But the way the do the stitches (at least at my vets) there was little risk. Plus kitten healing is AMAZING.

What will really make you laugh in later years is how they walk like they're still there. ❤ Not always - just when they strut.

RavenCT Level 9 Mar 12, 2019

My girls don't really get along with him yet anyway, so there won't be much change there. I'm just hoping he will be a little less naughty now.

@Kynlei He'll still be a kitten - but the testosterone will drop down! lol


Such a gud boi

darthfaja Level 7 Mar 12, 2019

Mine goes April 1. Not looking forward to it.

Frctnal Level 7 Mar 12, 2019

Kittie goes in next month...Ouch!!!!


He will be just fine - much more lovable and he will like himself more.

Lavergne Level 8 Mar 12, 2019

The vet called me and said he's out and waking up. I am really hoping it calms him down. He's such a naughty, hyper boy!

@Kynlei It should make a very noticeable difference....will take about 6-8 to start seeing it.


awwww 😟 I hope he heals quickly!

Knitfreak Level 7 Mar 12, 2019
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