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I get it ...

SeaGreenEyez 9 Apr 11
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Kitteah are not happy. Kitteah know where you sleep. Kitteah gonna kill you!




Cats belong inside for safety from germs and dangerous cars


OMG! That's hilarious!! ??


Poor kitty. They hate getting wet. I used to live by a neighbor that would sometimes leave her cat out in the rain and cold. He would come over to our house seeking comfort and shelter, meowing loudly all the time. I wanted to let him into our garage for the night, but my wife would have none of animals in the house. So I would go over to the neighbors and ask that they let him back in.

That's one of the angriest-looking cats I've ever seen..


Someone's in for an evening of being ignored.

Mine have their very own cat door , and when it starts to rain , and they come in all wet , they tend to be very affectionate , while they dry themselves off all over me .

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