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A few minutes ago, I went into the kitchen to see what Bug was playing with (he was walking around on his hind legs and jumping to and fro). He usually goes crazy over flies, so I was going to take a pic of him. Well, it was a WASP! He was about to catch it. Without thinking, I scooted him away and stomped the wasp. I feel awful for killing it. I just reacted. At least my boy is safe.

orange_girl 8 Apr 16
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Hi. You sound like me. It amazes me how much I feel like my Sammie is my kid! I'd do anything to keep her from getting hurt!!!


Sounds like you made the correct choice.


Good job Mama!!!


Aw, I think you did the right thing. The four leggers don't understand about these things.



Frctnal Level 7 Apr 16, 2019

Oh, you don't want to see kitty get stung by any of those things!


A moms instinct... Don't feel bad... 😊


I think you did the right thing. You don't need those critters indoors.

@orange_girl With any luck it was one of the wasps that's killing the bees we need.

I know what you mean though - I'm deathly allergic and I usually try to relocate - unless they are a hazard. (Though when they built on my shed door to try to kill me I bombed the nest).

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