3 12

Seems about right.

Kynlei 8 June 9
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I've never had a cat that hated me.

Feared me until they grew to trust me? Yes...

But they sure don't give a rat's ass about any of the above! Woot! ❤

RavenCT Level 9 June 9, 2019

No, me either. It's just an internet funny to say that cats hate people.

@Kynlei Except mean people. Cats can be great judges of character. 👍

@RavenCT Oh, I've definitely seen cats hate other people. I've always had a way with animals that I can't explain. My mother in law had a dachshund who would randomly lash out at people for no particular reason. Her grandson's girlfriend was sitting on the floor just minding her own business and he went at her. That dog loved me though. He'd come sit by me and ask for pets. Never once tried to bite me. I've had many animals where the owner says something like, "oh, they don't like most people" who end up being my best friend. Who knows? 🤷♀️


And, given time, he may grow to tolerate you. If that should happen, you will be trained.

MojoDave Level 9 June 9, 2019

Et tu kitteah?

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Posted by RobertNappi2Thursday cuteness

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by RobertNappi2Wednesday morning cuteness

Posted by AppleriverGotta love that sweet little face

Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness

Posted by RobertNappi2Monday morning cuteness...Toe beans!!!

Posted by glennlabNuff said, get yours today.

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