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Help, please? My kitty (11 yrs) recently diagnosed with hyperthyroid is not responding to the Methimazole, T4 levels rising. I found an herbal thyroid treatment I am considering, as I would not put him through radioactive iodine treatment, neither could I afford it.
Anyone out there with experience in this??

UPDATE: I started snooping around, and found several alternative treatments for hyperthyroid pets. I liked the info and MANY reviews I read on Thyroid Support Gold by Pet Wellbeing. Given to herbal remedies myself, the ingredients are familiar and well-documented.
Instructions are clear on not giving in conjunction with Methimazole, so I tapered Enzo down over several days and began with the drops delivered by Chewy yesterday.
My hope is what others have found: reduced/eliminated symptoms of weight loss, lethargy, poor coat, itching, excessive vocalizing. If the T4 levels don't change much, I doubt it matters if his overall health and life quality improve.
I'll let you know!

tinkercreek 8 June 16
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We have Snoopy who has been taking the same medication. It seems to be working for her. I sure hope you are able to find something that works.


My cat was hyperthyroid and would up being one of those having a "rare case of liver failure" because of the treatment. It was oral medicine and I don't recall the name. I had done some research and had decided to go the radioactive route but her liver went into decline before we were able to do so.

Yes, and I've heard of renal issues, also. So sorry you lost your dear kitty to this!

@tinkercreek She was 16. I love and have loved all my kitties, but she was my special girl and her loss broke my heart. I had already had a houseful (like five cats, I think) and sure did not need or intend to get another when I met her at a Pet Smart. The connection was instantaneous and she was my little buddy for all those years.


The only way to treat hyperactive thyroid that I know of - it to kill off or surgically remove part of the thyroid and replace it with artificial thyroid.

At least that's what they do with humans.

I do have this - which might give you some assistance for payment.

RavenCT Level 9 June 16, 2019

Thank you so much, those may come in handy!


Two of my cats had that....I did opt to take them to a clinic in MD for the radioactive iodine treatment. Both were cured and lived until age 19. One was age 9 and the other 12 when diagnosed. We tried pills and they were expensive, too and not working.

It was a costly investment but I had done my research and another person at work had it done with his cat. Both cats were losing weight so quickly and other health issues were happening...

Good is a tough thing...will the herbal treatment be costly in the long run? If it is not going to harm you pet and you have time, will it hurt to try?

thinktwice Level 8 June 16, 2019

Thank you so much for sharing your experience, and that your cats were cured! My cat is very attached and mourning the very recent loss of his feline sister, so I worry that he may not survive being hospitalized for the treatment. I just learned of the herbal and am awaiting some more info on that, going now to a "Natural Pet" store for their feedback. Thank you!!

@tinkercreek The hardest part was that the poor dears had to stay at the facility for over a week...and when brought back home, had to be isolated from his brothers for another six weeks or so was traumatic. I had an older cat, 13, the I did not opt for the treatment...sometimes it is worse for them and we have to let them live out happily.

@thinktwice The research I did around here for the radioactive treatment required less isolation time. Seemed like it was closer to two weeks and was mostly a matter of isolating the litter.

@itsmedammit Yes...I had to keep his litter box in a separate room and the door shut at all times...with him in it...poor thing...but he made it...and got lots of love.

@itsmedammit That sounds more like what the course is around here, also, though there were variables listed that could extend the period of confinement.


Nope, know nothing about that stuff. Sorry to hear your cat is sick.

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