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No truer words....

Hathacat 9 July 27
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Here, it's more like , "Get off the keyboard ! Sit on my left , so I can type with my right . You've already got food ."

Cast1es Level 9 July 27, 2019

I for sure know the, "You already got food", one!


I use a box inside a box and I just scalded the outside one Laila peed in....she digs & poops in litter just fine but likes leaning over the edge of the inside box to pee....then she tries to debark the cabinet next to the box 22 inches above both boxes.....I love her and those 6 thumbs 26 toes in all


laughed way to hard at that one. Truth.

glennlab Level 10 July 27, 2019

It got me too! Carson kept laughing at the stench gargoyle.


Get out of my head!!!

Kafirah Level 8 July 27, 2019


With three cats it's inevitable! (Okay even with one...).

@RavenCT In our house, it is only a 50/50 shot that all 3 phases are being experienced at any given time.

@Kafirah "Rainey! Look at those ballet toes!" . ... "Heathikins! Upside down again?" " Jesus Christ Raz ...what did you eat?! " . 😵

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Posted by RobertNappi2Thursday cuteness

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by RobertNappi2Wednesday morning cuteness

Posted by AppleriverGotta love that sweet little face

Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness

Posted by RobertNappi2Monday morning cuteness...Toe beans!!!

Posted by glennlabNuff said, get yours today.

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