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Tyrion caught a mouse near the tv stand a couple weeks ago and is now OBSESSED with the tv. He finally succeeded in pulling it over today. Thankfully the tv seems fine and the cat us fine but patience is seriouslt strained.

Any suggestions?

Frctnal 7 Feb 29
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At least kitteah got the mices!


Sorry about your tv. His obsession suggests that there are more mice in the vicinity of the tv that he can detect. I'd say let him have the opportunity to clear them out or set traps.

I wish my cats would catch a mouse.

Could be. I know there was one in the garage.

Both my cats are good mousers


Buy a stuffed cat toy mouse and put it near the spot for him to find again. It worked with my cat, Zippy.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Feb 29, 2020

Make or buy a little felt mouse , and put catnip inside . It's a trophy for catching the real mouse , that she can't keep , and a lot less expensive than a tv .

Cast1es Level 9 Feb 29, 2020

He has a dozen of those. And a pile of other toys.


Good cat!

Spinliesel Level 9 Feb 29, 2020

Good for catching the mouse but not for obsessing over the tv

@Frctnal I have one, Hella, great hunter outside, but likes to interfere with my laptop. She does little ballet routines on the keyboard. That causes terrible things to the computer!


Just doing his Job .

GEGR Level 7 Feb 29, 2020

Breaking the tv is not his job.

@Frctnal Collateral Damage to bred instincts .

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