Aloha everyone,
Yesterday, my entirely indoor kitty of 2 years fell off the balcony of my condo for some reason. I did not realize this until just before midnight. When I went downstairs, I found him in the thorny bushes. As I was trying to get him, the sprinklers went off and he bolted out the other end of the bushes so I did not see where he went ( as in maybe into the golf course, the next condo complex, down the street). I looked all over for him but could not find him. Any suggestions? As, I have never let him out, I do not think he would associate coming up the stairs to my door with home. Unfortunately today was hedge trimming day and we have various excavation and building going on ..on property. And he is afraid of loud noises. It has been an entire fiasco.
YAY!! Thank you everyone who has given tips. I found him under the neighbor's truck right on the axel!
I'd suspect when the cat gets hungry, as he was an indoor cat mos tof his life, he'd eventually approach people hoping for food. I'd post fliers all over. Where I live now soem peopel have goen door to door asking if peoel had seen their cat. If you do this you should mention that you have put up fliers in the area ihn case they run into someone who found your cat, so they have a way to contact you.
When I lived in Los Angeles, one of my roommates cats freaked out during an earthquake (The Whittier quake) and jumped off the balcony. It took a while to find her. I think she hid because of aftershocks, because after 10 hours (since the earthquake) we finally found her all scared in the parking area, which took up the first floor of the building.
Go out with the litter box very early and when it gets quiet at night and just sit there calling. Of course, post the picture notice everywhere, local vets and a shelters and all the other buildings, including your own. See if there is a local on-line group that posts about this. Some places have them. I lost a pet for six weeks once and still got her back because someone saw her. If he saw you at the bushes before, he might come back there so that is a good place as any to start.
I had a cat that got out. Didn't think she could sqeeze through a window that was like an inch open. Her and her brother have never been seperated from birth. Until I had to take her twin brother in to the vet ER. He died in my lap on the way there. I think she was looking for her brother. I waited for weeks. I could hear her meow outside, and tried to get her back in, but she was frightened (she was never outside). Just trips to and from the vet, and when I adopted them. I'd leave food outside, and it'd be gone. Once or twice I caught her eating. I opened the door and she didn't want to come in. I finally got her to come in one night. I left the mud room door open with food in there. When I heard her eating I went out the front door and snuck around the back to close it. She died shortly after. Probably from shock. This is why you NEVER declaw a cat. If they get out, they have zero defense. Also if done wrong the claws can regrow inwards. Very painful for the cat and has to be done again. That happened to a cat of mine that I left at my moms house for a while because her other cat died and needed someone to play with. Against my wishes, she declawed him. My friend had a cat with a similar story. Got him back, and shortly late died from shock. I think that's what Phoebe died from. I miss those two.
Wish you the best in getting the little furry back safe! Some times it could take weeks. Have you tried postin lost posters or social media?
Thank you, Wow, what a story, no, i have never declawed any cats. Unfortunately, you think I would hear him meow by now and I don't so I believe he bolted away and other noises probably chased him further away. I just hope someone kind either adopts him or takes him to the humane society so they can read his chip.
@chiara23k I know how flusterating it is. I went through the same with Phoebe. Even if she wasn't ever back in my house, I feel much better if I knew she was in a nice home. When you adopt a cat, they become part of your family.
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